Pale Leaf Plants HELP


Hi Guys,
I have 3 young plants, 2x cheese wreck & 1 Church.
They were grew from seed & are about 3 weeks old, but the leaves are so pale.
i've looked through the lots of threads to find the answers & i'm sure there is an answer somewhere.
My plants leaves are all pale top to bottom new & old !
Take a look at the pics & give me some advise quick :?



Well-Known Member
what is that in the container? soil? and what kind if it is. you need more nitrogen.if you can get your hands on some humbolt verde that shit works great. just use a little though 1 ml to a gallon of water


They are in coco.
i fed them using the canna coco guide, but also gave them voodoo juice when i 1st potted them in coco. Perhaps i gave them too much too soon.
Do i have nutrient lock out ?
The last 2 times i gave them just water (2nd water (today) also had 1/2 teaspoon of Epsom salts, as i thought they might be magnesium deficient).
Can i turn this problem around & have healthy plants ?
Thanks for any suggestions.


Hi Guys,
Thanks for all the advice & interest.
I will continue informing you of there progress if you want.
As this is my 1st ever crop i will Explain what has happened so far :
I started with the voodoo juice for just 1 week, under CFL on 24/7. This was after i put the seedlings into coco on 7th may.
Then when plants had 2 set of proper leaves i gave the just canna A&B & rhyzotonic as per canna coco guide. This was under 600w HPS on 18/6.
Then as the 4th set of proper leaves came through i topped them all & changed to 12/12. This is because i am growing in a space with max height 5ft ! That was i week ago, but plants were already pale by then.
The last 2 times i gave them just water. The 2nd water was 2 days ago (30th may), i also added 1/2 teaspoon of Epsom salts, as i thought they might be magnesium deficient).
Today i gave them 1/2 a teaspoon of nitrogen in a only small amount of water, as i dont want them to stay too wet & cause more problems with root rot. i only need to water them every 3rd day at moment, but they are producing new leaves very quickly & the height is only 6 inches. They should have recovered from the stress of topping now, & it looks like 2 of the 3 have produced more heads where it topped them, so may have 4 colas instead of 2 ??
They are all feminised seeds from Attitude.
My grow space is 4 x 5 x 5ft high. I am using a 5" cooltube attached to a 10" extractor fan, the fan also sucks through an 8" adorsok filter.
I know the fan seems a little big, but this is to try to remove all the hot air as this is a loft room.


Active Member
Hi Guys,
I have 3 young plants, 2x cheese wreck & 1 Church.
They were grew from seed & are about 3 weeks old, but the leaves are so pale.
i've looked through the lots of threads to find the answers & i'm sure there is an answer somewhere.
My plants leaves are all pale top to bottom new & old !
Take a look at the pics & give me some advise quick :?

I am sorry to hear that you are having issues :-( i am lucky enough that i havent had this happen to me but i did find this link that may help and the table and descriptions do fit with some of the suggestions above;

i guess the only real advice i can offer as i am also a noob is to be patiant and not to make quick changes as this can really make things worse ;-) if its just the lack of nitrogen i am sure you can turn them around! for my two grows whihc made it to flower with no issues at all was using formulex ( and i have had no issues and as you see this is not one of the strongest neuts you can use at this stage which i think helped to get healthy and vibrant plants throughout the veg stage and even on my 12/12 from seed to harvest grow it also worked very very well to get them started.

some growers say that only give them neuts when they need as in "less is more" are you using PH and EC meters to check the water before you feed the plants?


Active Member
Whats the npk of your nutriants .
You do need more Nitrogen in your watering , something like 20,10,10


Active Member
the npk rating for terra vega is 3-1-3
formulex is 2.4 - 0.9 - 3.4

isnt 20,10,10 to high for veg and even flowering? and thats why we use PK 13/14 during the last weeks of flowering to really boost the buds!


Hi Goonerbeatyaa & Hi Irishstaff,
I gave my girls 1/2 teaspoon of sulphate of ammonia (Nitrogen) this morning.
Lets see what happens over the next couple of days.
I will resume the Canna grow guide on friday & add a few more pics.
How are your cheesewreck doing Goonerbeatya ?


Active Member
This is just an example , But NO it isnt to strong if used correctly . The lads not even in flower so dont see why your talking about the last few weeks of flowering by using the pk 13/14 . If he was to use a strong nute then i would of only said to use 1/4 strenth once and then in 2-3 weeks time give them another 1/4 strenth and that would of seen his plants ok for nitrogen throughout his plants life . Plants still need Nitrogen throughout their life cycle . Also my friend grows in COCO and he has his PH @5.8 and his plants are nice and healthy , What is your PH
I dont grow in coco , i just grow in soil so i have my ph @6.5


Active Member
This is just an example , But NO it isnt to strong if used correctly . The lads not even in flower so dont see why your talking about the last few weeks of flowering by using the pk 13/14 . If he was to use a strong nute then i would of only said to use 1/4 strenth once and then in 2-3 weeks time give them another 1/4 strenth and that would of seen his plants ok for nitrogen throughout his plants life . Plants still need Nitrogen throughout their life cycle . Also my friend grows in COCO and he has his PH @5.8 and his plants are nice and healthy , What is your PH
I dont grow in coco , i just grow in soil so i have my ph @6.5
I think you have me confused with someone that is trying to steal your lucky charms.... if you re read my comment i state the figures for two well know veg neuts and ask the question isnt that too strong. Why are people on this site so quick to think people are slating them? you even answer the question in your post back to me.

And really what your doing is just using the neuts twice for the whole life cycle of the plants life... it seems that this stuff is too strong and would leave no margin for error. Terra vega can be used thoughout the veg cycle and for my current grow i have been using terra flores plus mild strength pk 13/14 from around 4 weeks from germination and have no signs of neut burn a discolouring of the leaves. I use PH of 6.0 - 6.2 as suggested by Terra products and using EC meter make sure its around 1.6 - 1.8 but never go over 2.0.

i dont want to high jack the mans thread so lets leave this here and agree to disagree.


Hi Goonerbeatyaa & Hi Irishstaff,
I gave my girls 1/2 teaspoon of sulphate of ammonia (Nitrogen) this morning.
Lets see what happens over the next couple of days.
I will resume the Canna grow guide on friday & add a few more pics.
How are your cheesewreck doing Goonerbeatya ?
Hi bro.. I use the Canna coco line and have been learing how as i go hehe ..Ill just give advice by posting what I do and I could give a flyin f who hijacks lol Cannas coco line is made assuming the grower has at least 200ppm of cal mag available.As coco withholds calmag.. i add 6ml of botanicare calmag plus to every watering .. Yes add solution@5.8Ph and nevr measure the Ph from the runoff in coco .. Never let dry out .. 15% minimum run off .. DO u use a ppm meter ??? .... What brand of coco is it ??? cal mag ..


Active Member
Hi Goonerbeatyaa & Hi Irishstaff,
I gave my girls 1/2 teaspoon of sulphate of ammonia (Nitrogen) this morning.
Lets see what happens over the next couple of days.
I will resume the Canna grow guide on friday & add a few more pics.
How are your cheesewreck doing Goonerbeatya ?
I am keen to see if they turn around will you post the pics here friday?

The cheeswreack are going very very well... from the looks of things this is a very potent strain here are a couple of pics just so you can see what i mean and you can find more in my journal and it would be cool to have you stop by :-)



Hey Holayall,
I'm using Canna coco professional plus & have been keeping Ph @6.2. Is this too high then ?
Why do you need to add Calmag ? Are you using Canna coco nutes ?
I was only 1/2 feeding them the nutes & thought this was too much(nute burn/ lock out), but perhaps it wasn't enough & thats why my plant leaves are so pale ??
I am going to feed then Canna A&B & rhyzatonic tomorrow.
I have an EC & PH meter & i can convert the EC reading into PPM, but am unsure how much PPM to give. My water is 400-450PPM & i thought i was supposed to give then 650PPM to start with ???


My girls are getting better i think

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by b2theizzle
on 06-04-2010 at 03:49 PM (0 Views)

Well as you all saw last week, my 3 young girls were looking extremely pale, due to me not giving them enough food :???: DOH
I have now given them some nitrogen, epsom salts & a nutrient feed of canna A&B & Rhyzatonic as per Canna Coir grow guide.

No.1 pic shows the most change in colour
No.2 is still very pale, but the new growth on all 3 plants looks good.
They now seem to be getting their colour back, but the last pic (Church) is also a little droopy (maybe she needs a few days to take in the food).
i wont be watering them now for at least 3 days, so they can dry out a little & i can assess how they have taken to this weeks treatment.
I think i need to re pot them next week too, as they are in 2L pots at moment.
I have also sexed all 3 plants as females now :hump:


whats up b2 ... I actually use distilled tap water @ 70ppm with no prob... and in the begining stages I use r/o water so ther no chance of chlorine in water (kills your beni's) 5.8ph is what i do . Coco buffers it so when i add 5.8 my runn off is 6.5ish .. ..Coco tends to withhold (not release to plant) Cal and mag. And canna designed their products , so ive read, to be used with 200 ppm of cal mag availible either in coco or added to nutes.. Once Coco has absorbed enough calmag it will pass the excess to the plant if you will....And with a lock out of calmag comes a lock out of other nutes... I use 5ml of Calmg Plus from botanicare ... I also recommend the cannazyme product .. good for breaking down extra salts ........... Remember also that ppm doesnt reflect how potent each nute your giving is. Some product in canna wont even register.. Also add kelp ( good for hormones) Advanced nutes B-52 does wonders, It has the kelp and all the other b vitamins Canna doesnt. Well canna Booster does but thats $100... I had the pale issue and I just added calmagplus , It has good nitro too........not a pro though . Peace