pandafilm is it worth it


Well-Known Member
Is It Worth 100 Bucks For A 150' X 50" 4mil On Panda Film. I Normally See Them In 6 Mil So I Don't Know If This Worth It Only Being 4 Mil-


Well-Known Member
More than worth it....
Multiple uses.
Seperate veg/flower rooms
Line walls
make rooms
line floors
cover Bucket pots for lightproofing

I swear by it. I couldnt have my split closet without it. And Ive seen 100ft rolls for $70 online.

Copied info on reflectivity.....

.........White/Black plastic (also known as panda plastic or "poly"):

"Poly" is useful if you are setting up a temporary grow room or don't want to damage the walls. Poly is easily cleaned.

The purpose of the black side is to not allow any light to pass through the plastic, which ensures your dark cycle remains dark. The white side is 75-90% reflective. Choose a 6 "mill" thickness of poly for maximum light blockage and duribility.

If this plastic is put too close to the light, you will obviously melt it so be careful!. Panda plastic does not create hotspots. Poly can be attached to the walls by using carpenter's nails or using tape glue or similar means. This can be used as a cheap alternative to mylar if painting your grow room is out of the question.

Contributed by: DaChronicKing


Well-Known Member
just make sure you buy good quality and thick enough 6 mill is the really thick stuff and you want the thicker plastic


New Member
BSI do you think that panda > mylar? because i got my walls lined with like a white paper right now... but i plan on picking up some mylar or panda plastic.... up side is mylar is more reflective but plastic is more durrable and wont rip on me ... so which is more usefull quality or efficiency as far as i know pandaplastic is about 50-75% more expensive


Well-Known Member
The PP is pretty durable. Re-usable too. For that reason alone I'd go with the PP.

Mylar is pretty good too. You just have to make sure to keep it smooth. And honestly....You more than likely wont need 100 ft. I bought a 30ft cut and had plenty left over after lining walls/floors/making doors/and partition.

I mix soil on a scrap piece too. Its just good all around. A 100ft roll would last me forever.

My Closet


Active Member
Man thats a lot of cash. What's wrong with using a tarp. thats 8MM thick and
painting it white?, or using as a separator for a veg. room and a flowering room in one box?



Well-Known Member
I don't think so, 100' x 50" vs a tarp that will have to paint-
I can buy a tarp for about 20 bucks. and this whole roll is around 100 buck. which is 80 bucks more i know is a pretty penny but the amount I will get will be enough forever.

I was also going to use this for the walls so I don't have to worry about mould. I have read that this stuff is easy to clean too.

Thanks all


Well-Known Member
I used mylar once, then bought pandafilm. It is great for the walls and easy as hell to put up with a slap stapler. It's nice to use to cover rockwool if you use that also. I stand by the panda. :D


Well-Known Member
I think it depends on how your going to use it. If you will be moving it around and to divide rooms then the pandafilm would be worth it. if you are just taping or stapling to the inside of a closet or box - might as well use mylar (or just flat white paint).