passing drug test


New Member
Whats up guys, im new to the grasscity community. i stopped smoking on July 23rd because i found out that the new job im applying to is giving me a drug test this monday august 5th, its a urine test at a lab. This is a really good job and i need it, but im really worried about passing this drug test. As i mentioned earlier im 11 days clean.....i weigh around 160lbs and usually smoke 1/4 or so a week for the past 2 years or so via waterfall gravs and bongs and ive been doing research on how to pass. Originally i just planned on the dilution method.Ive been drinkining 5 or more 20oz water bottles every day. i even bought creatine, and vitamin b supplements, and 5 marijuana test kits from the dollar store. But last night i got really paranoid about passing so i ran to my local headshop and bought a 20oz Detoxify XXTRA CLEAN herbal cleanse. I really dont have confidence in detox drinks, and the worse part is its tropical fruit flavor and i hate fruity flavored stuff. I dont wanna waste my time with the detox if i dont have to because im 90% i would end up throwing up if i drink it(weak stomach).. and im scared it wouldnt work. Is the dilution method a reliable way of passing? i really dont want to fail this drug test and make myself look bad, along with the person who reccomended me for the job.... Any help is MAJORLY appreciated, thank you.