I stopped smoking 3 days ago and have been a habitual smoker, smoking multiple times a day, for several years.
I stopped smoking the very moment that I was informed I'd be subject to pre-employment drug testing via a urine test. I have read literally hundereds of pages worth of information on the best way to beat a urine test. Obviously anything that is TOXIC to the human body, I.E. BLEECH is absolutely not a good idea at all unless you have great health insurance and can afford a trip to the ER for ingesting very toxic chemicals- BTW when you get to the ER expect to be laughed at as you will probably be the laughing stock of the ER for weeks and perhaps months to come.
Here is my plan for passing the urine test.
1. Each day I turn my bathroom into a Sauna 3 seperate times. I let the shower run on HOT HOT HOT, and the sink as well. I wait 20 minutes before I go in. I put a towel over my head and shoulders and run in place for 30-45 mins until I am absolutely drenched in sweat. I am sweating to the point that my t-shirt is completely soaked in sweat. As I previously stated I am doing this 3 times a day as to try to burn as many fat cells as possible and get rid of the majority of the THC in my system.
2. I am drinking LOTS of cranberry juice and green tea. Cranberry juice will help clean your kidneys of toxins and the green tea will help excreet even more toxins as it has a great amount of antioxidants.
3. I am drinking lots of water. I am not drinking water for the purpose of "flushing" my system but simply to stay hydrated as I'm sweating out both water and toxins.
4. The day before the test and of the test I will be taking 2 multi-vitamins each day containing vitamin B and B12 along with naicin. I will also be taking a shot of vinegar each day- the vinegar is taken with approx 8-16 ounces of water.
I am hoping that this will do the trick. Obviously there will still be THC in my system though I am hoping by the time I take the test that the majority of THC will have been removed via excerise and what THC is left will be masked by the vinegar and naicin. Also most of the THC should be filtered out of my kidneys with the cranberry juice and water.
To anyone who has passed a urine test or knows all about them please take a look at my plan and let me know what you think. I absolutely need this job!!!