passitbro's 800w tent


Hey guys so here I am going at it again . Got myself a bud box sized 2.4 x 1.2 m being accompanied by 2 x 400w hps lamps . I'm using 20l pots with pre mixed soil from home depot (ph 6.0 ) and the top 10 cm is organic mulch made of tree barks and saw dust .
This time I'm making an auto flower grow composed of 5 thc bomb auto(bomb seeds) , 5 sin tra bajo ,5 sweet tooth auto (both barneys farm ) . The kids are 2 weeks and 2 days since I begun to germinate them and looking good , but there's couple of things concerning me . 2 of the thc bombs tips of the leaves are yellowing and some of the plants are growing a bit of crooked leaves (not straight but deformed) this has never happened to me before and I think I'm doing everything right ,please correct me if I'm wrong . Distance between the lamps and tops of plants : 35 cm
Ppm of tap water :250
pH of the water : 6 -6.5
Light cycle :20 /4
temp : 22 - 24 degrees Celsius
RH 30 -40 % (humidifier is on the way )
No slow release nutes in soil or mulch .
Haven't been fertilising until yesterday night (started out with 1/4 strength) but the problem appeared with the first pair of leaves growing. That's pretty much it , ill keep you guys updated and there will be more pics coming.feel free to give advice or any input .


Have been doing some work on the tent . Bought a humidifier , set up my extraction fan , but did not connect the carbon filter yet since there's no smell yet .Also did some lst , going to see how that goes . The leaf curling has almost gone so thats nice and also humidity is on high 50's now so thats nice. I'm still running kind of high on my temps ,even with the fan on so Ive got to figure a solution for that . They are now 3 weeks old . Putting some pics up tomorrow .


Feel free to give me advice or if you notice that I'm doing something wrong correct me , I'm still learning and all input will be appreciated


Today also started germinating my new mother plants for the next batch : the seeds are three Krome's triangle x cindarella 99 . Very excited to see what comes out of them


The soil is finally starting to dry out , I think I just got stressed fir nothing . Plants are going strong and one of my new mother plants already broke the ground which is amazing . Temps are holding still at 26.3 celsius and RH is at 42% . Will raise the lamps a couple of centimetres today .


Well-Known Member
The stress of our first grows are offset by the stress relief of smoking the results :bigjoint:


Haven't posted in a while since I've been busy working but the girls are looking great . Thc bombs and sin tra bajo started already showing the first white hairs . Yay . More pictures coming soon !



Appreciate the nice words . They are growing like crazy now . The c99 seeds are pretty bad tho one of 3 only germinated and even that one is looking pretty bad and weak . Going to germinate some other ones for my next mother plants . Thinking of tropical snow or afgan bubble .


Just out of curiosity , how much do you think I would be able to pull of this one ? It's 15 autos under 800 wats.


Just some pics. The girls are going strong but a couple of problems have appeared - two of the plants have yellow leave tips , two others leaves are curling down and one of the other ones have yellow ish spots on leaves . You can see it all in pictures . Any input appreciated . Cheers



Well-Known Member
Yellowing new growth leaf tips is usually sign of over feeding.... if all your plants are in the same soil etc it may be that these two plants are just a little less greedy...keeping a close eye on her sisters will give you a better idea o_O
Same with the slight leaf curling; keep an eye out. o_O
They can change their structure throughout the day, from erect and "praying to the sun" to looking a bit sad after a water/misting, and you have such a strong grow going I'd be inclined to trust my plants and see if they ride it out :bigjoint:


Okay . Update time . The leave curling ended it the yellow tips are still there but it's getting better .now they are 1 and half week into flowering and looking okay I guess . Hope they pull trough and I get a decent harvest . Not using any nutes atm because I'm paranoid to overfeed . Temps and humidity is spot on .

Also new addition to the family .

Kromes triangle x cindarella 99 (the one wich sprouted )

And three seeds of tropical snow .

From the best looking mom I will take clones and the rest I will flower together with the clones . Also mixed a new soil mix for these made up of 1/3 perlite 1/3 humus and 1/3 peat moss . Yay !

