PC setup getting really crowded

I am just nearing the end of the first week of flowering after about 5 weeks of veg in my pc case. the setup that I have is 2 towers stacked on eachother with a hole in the center so there is quite a bit of room in there. I have 2 plants in there from bag seed (pretty sure it is kush). the problem is that the plants have basically created a canopy so dense that not much light is getting to the bottom of the plants at all. I have always been told not to cut fan leaves in the flowering stages unless they are looking unhealthy. the question that I have is am I able to cut the largest of the fan leaves or is that going to cause these plants to go into shock? I have a couple pictures to show the state that the plants are in right now though i do not know how to post pics. it is my first grow so any info would be great. thanks. here is a link to the site with the pics.... http://forum.grasscity.com/showthread.php?p=12568067#post12568067