Peace Naturals Recall


Well-Known Member
Peace Naturals Project Inc., of Ontario, is voluntarily recalling one batch (K-Farms Lot: K1-KFM-001-14) of marijuana for medical purposes due to positive bacterial testing outside of acceptable limits.

Weird how this gets a reason but the earlier Greenleaf no real reason was given just a blanket statement
More ammo for the coalition


Well-Known Member
I honestly have nothing in principle against LP's, but they ARE making their entire industry look very bad.


Well-Known Member
2 recalls for the MMPR so far in as many months. How the fuck is this shitty ditch weed even getting out the door? Is that not the whole point of all this regulation and testing? To ensure sick people are receiving top quality medicine that will benefit them, not poison? How long til somebody with HIV or something smokes some of this and only gets sicker? Whose going to be the first LP with a massive civil suit filed against them for selling this garbage? Bullshit regulations with bullshit companies and bullshit product, hooray for the MMPR!


Well-Known Member
How is this stuff getting out of the door before the test results are known?
something rings of deceit
Is there maybe an ulterior motive...for these failing results....? I guess I will give this some more thought...

Devil Lettuce

Well-Known Member
How is this stuff getting out of the door before the test results are known?
something rings of deceit
Is there maybe an ulterior motive...for these failing results....? I guess I will give this some more thought...

"Mark Gobuty, CEO & Founder of Peace Naturals, spoke with Lift today to discuss the details of the recall.

“Everything we sell passes QA. When we sent this out, it passed standards. Since then, one sample we had on retention that was tested by ourselves and Health Canada fell just outside the acceptable range count of living bacteria, just over 5% plate count. There is nothing dangerous about this cannabis, and this is an Advisory Level 2 recall. We have contacted all 55 patients effected by this recall, and are offering product credits to our patients,” Gobuty told Lift.

“This is a great opportunity for Peace Naturals to better our QA process. These regulations mean Canada will have the safest, most effective Medical Cannabis system in the world. Our collaboration with Health Canada has been positive and productive in helping us address these issues and better reach these strict standards to ensure patient safety.

As with any Health Canada standards, if this recall was due to serious bacterial contamination like Salmonella or Ecoli, there would be an immediate mandatory recall. That is not the case here. Health Canada has a 0% tolerance for Salmonella and Ecoli, as it would be deemed a public health risk.

All Licensed Producers under the MMPR are required to test their product at several stages of production, as well as keeping sample products on hand over time to test the products as they age. As with any biological pharmaceutical product that retains some water even after curing/processing, bacterial growth is a possibility. Fully cured cannabis still retains moisture. These samples are kept on hand to mimic what the customer’s product is doing in their homes. Some patients may have consumed their cannabis prior to any bacterial contamination forming.

Class II recalls are for products that might cause temporary health problem, or pose only a slight threat of a serious nature.

A ‘plate count agar‘ test involves mixing the product (in this case, Cannabis) in a solution to asses
possible bacterial growth.

Stay tuned here for updates as they emerge. K-Farms is a ~17% THC, Indica-dominant strain the medical marijuana provider had available for only a limited time."

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Well-Known Member
Maybe peace naturals should quit allowing everyone and their fucking dog into their facility without hairnets and stop them from sticking their disease infested noses into the growing medicine. What a joke this entire mmpr is.


Well-Known Member
I believe k farms was a product they purchased from an outside produce...maybe a former mmar grower?...what about the Greenleaf product? Did they grow it themselves?..if not perhaps both have been attempts to frame and "prove" non Lp meds aren't safe...

The Hippy

Well-Known Member
I love it !. Now HC and their own QA departments are helping to put them outta biz. Now they gotta pay everyone back for their buggy ditch weed. I wonder who pays the return shipping, them of course lol. Plus refund all your sales from it, and pay to have produced it. Sounds like a great business model. No one likes ya, and you get to return all the profits if there even was any....hahahahaha
55 patients and how many dollars in sales. No way this can be paying the bills. Even for that one crop. Anyone else smell DOOM ?
Plus competition from other LP. You stupid fucks ( LP's ) for listening to the dreams of gold HC sold you.
Good Luck....your gonna need it.

The Hippy

Well-Known Member
What a stupid business to try to enter when most or at least many of your prospective customers don't like you. And for financial reason to boot they don't like you. For taking their cheaper meds so can sell them high priced meds ....DUH
And they are the only ones you can sell to. Plus other greed bags are hoping to be in bed with your customers too. and will most likely try to fuck each other out of the business. All sounds pleasing to my ears.


bud bootlegger
am i the only one looking at it like this..
now these places are doing all of this testing, which as far as i know, was never done before.. everyone is saying their giving sick patients bad meds... how does anyone know what sort of meds sick patients were smoking before this new testing was put into place? i mean, sure i guess 5% contame i bad, but like i said, who on earth knows what previous meds from other places were like if there was no testing in the first place??
maybe i'm over looking something here though, idk..

Magenta Thumb

Well-Known Member
The Lift piece makes it seem like the following:
1. initial test results are within specification = release it.
2. the retest, which is likely being done to assess stability and validate storage conditions, shows the counts have crept up during storage.

Remember that the MMPR does not require an expiration date but HC will probably enforce stability testing for GPP, which is normal. You are expected to track stability.

This is why you irradiate . It is not done so you pass the initial release specification; no GXP is going to let you make dirty stuff, no matter what you HC conspiracy theorists think. Irradiation "shines" through by making sure nothing pops up when you store it until a user pops it open, exposing it to live bugs/spores. You can dig into one of the old Hazekamp articles to see how much higher the café counts were.

The Hippy

Well-Known Member
I've been smoking for a long time and have never seen live bugs or even dead bugs in any weed I've ever smoked or bought.
And none of it had ANY QA control I'm quite sure.
I guess it could happen. Just hasn't too me. I think all the treating it like it's a bag of Intravenous fluid is way over board.
But you go a head and smoke your nuked weed if you to. I'm not and I never have. and still alive and healthy. Not so sure of any history of irradiating it, so I'll pass on that process.
I already know any weed I'd ever buy has no history of such issues.
I'm by no means up on this type of subject though I must admit.


Well-Known Member
I was thinking the same thing as the hippy...35+ years of buying,growing,consuming weed and not once have I gotten anything 'harmful'. What happens when the patient opens the bag and uses the pack of papers or pipe that has been sitting on the table? It is about impossible to keep all contaminants away unless you live in a sterile hospital type setting. I know from MANY years of "intense research" that 'living bacteria' on cannabis is not harmful, but the jury is still out on nuked weed. I wonder what the 'living bacteria' count is on a head of lettuce in the grocery store?


Well-Known Member
I tend to agree with the high standards seem almost too high for a plant ... even medical plant in it's raw form. But that being said derivatives of MMJ should have high standards like oil, hash, and even edibles as they are mostly made from extracts of the plant, which I believe would be able to live up to higher standards. Look in your local grocery store you will find expired food, spoiled food, how many tainted meat recalls have their been lately, I get it's not meds but ppl consume shitty products all the time without it harming them, so to say every bag of weed you smoked before had nothing wrong with it is keeping those rose coloured glasses on. I sure if everyone here smoked to recalled stuff nothing would be wrong with you, it may not be great but I'm sure at one point ya smoked worse but didn't really realise it. Now that irradiated stuff .... I wouldn't wanna smoke it at all.

Now I have no other legal way to get meds but go through these LP's, and really would rather have a DG or homegrow it but that isn't in the books right now .... same with a lot of others.... sick patients that have to rely on these LP's ..... hoping the one we go with not to fuck us over, so I come on these boards hoping to find the bad LP's to stay away from them not really hearing any good ones so far.... but I see a big divide in ppl that once were at one time working all in the same direction, the ones that are allowed to grow still because of the injunction and the ones that want to become LP's which I think are smaller than the ones currently out there giving out the bad meds. Like I said LP's are some patients only legal way atm, maybe next year we can all grow at home or get DG's but until that time the LP's are there, they may very well stay for good too.... I don't know... neither does anyone else. I think we should all stop fighting each other and work together putting the word out on bad LP's and finding good ones, while pushing for the freedom to keep the home growers growing (also make new home growing available to future patients if they want). Seems the govt/HC is starting t get what they want..... divide and conquer.

We know the arguments:
-homegrowers/MMAR patients say fuck all LP's I still want to grow for myself
-smaller LP businessmen say some LP's care about growing just like you!
-MMPR patients say we gotta find a good LP because that's what we got under the law

Don't let them divide everyone, remember the cause join together change things for the better.

The Hippy

Well-Known Member
Well said Chris...I feel the same. There seems to be an aweful lots of hype about being "medical grade" I think what this really means is...the primo-ist of weeds. As far as bacteria and irradiating and such, well just seems more like paranoia talk than reality.
As Chris said if you need complete sterile...go to the isolation ward at the hospital.
I feel that the average med patient is already sucking up plenty of germs, and yes maybe some air born molds, just in everyday living.
I think all this white coat nonsense is to make somebodies product appear as if you could shoot it up it's so clean.
Remember it will grow in a pile of shit, like most of our veggies will.
I dunno ?
I bet I get more germs at the supermarket roaming around shopping than my weed has on it. Plus then we smoke it ?!?! There by killing any germs with the incorrect? Seems the act of burning it would be pretty sterilizing. I don't know. All I do know for sure is no weed yet ever made me sick or killed me lol
No I'm not gonna sweat not using UN nuked weed.
Nobody in the history of mankind ever had any irradiated weed until now. And somehow the species still managed to carry on.
It's more scare mongering than truth I suspect.
Hell my Dog eats other dogs poo...then licks all the old ladies faces, and none of em died.
Keep open wounds clean...weed, not so much
Fuck you should see some of the schrap weed I've had. Ya it sucked, but nobody died. Dirt weed, rubber weed, hairy weed.strange smelling weed. Yes bad, but not sickening bad. Just shitty buzz weed.
Oh ya were all living in a the bubble boy...hehehe

And yes, I know there are very very sick people using these meds. So if I'm wrong about what those really sick folks need, I apologize sincerely for my ignorance. I'm just saying that for most patients I think reg everyday well grown well will be ok. Even if not nuked
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