Peat moss??

So i just bought 3 cubic feet of peat moss and some perlite i plan to mix 1/2 peat moss 1/4 perlite and sand. I have miracle gro all purpose plant food for nutes for veg amd switch to mg bloom for flower. Will this work??

Apical Bud

Well-Known Member
You are trying a "soil less" grow medium. I don't have much experience with that but you might cruise the forums looking for advice for soil less grows.


Well-Known Member
Can it work - yes. Will it work is the real question and if a new grower, IMO, you are setting yourself up for challenges. I would avoid using MG. It is very easy to overuse it. Get a better nute that is simple (I rec Dyna Gro, Foliage Pro and ProTekt are all you need).

I used to make a similar mix but I did equal parts peat, perlite, vermiculite, and cheap (no time release nutes) potting soil. I rec having some real dirt in there as it makes things more forgiving. Agreed on DOLOMITE lime (I used 2T/gal of mix).

If using MG perlite - realize it has nutes in it and I don't know, if a big part of the mix then it could be too much for seedlings. I don't like using anything that has added nutes so I can control it.

My last piee of advice - PH everything that you feed the plant. If soiless, then to abut 5.8-6.0. If using some soil, to 6.4-6.6.

I got tired of mixing up batches of soil and now use ProMix straight up. And I have no regrets on that change as it has worked great, is fairly cheap, and works perfect straight from the bale :-)

Good Luck!
Can it work - yes. Will it work is the real question and if a new grower, IMO, you are setting yourself up for challenges. I would avoid using MG. It is very easy to overuse it. Get a better nute that is simple (I rec Dyna Gro, Foliage Pro and ProTekt are all you need).

I used to make a similar mix but I did equal parts peat, perlite, vermiculite, and cheap (no time release nutes) potting soil. I rec having some real dirt in there as it makes things more forgiving. Agreed on DOLOMITE lime (I used 2T/gal of mix).

If using MG perlite - realize it has nutes in it and I don't know, if a big part of the mix then it could be too much for seedlings. I don't like using anything that has added nutes so I can control it.

My last piee of advice - PH everything that you feed the plant. If soiless, then to abut 5.8-6.0. If using some soil, to 6.4-6.6.

I got tired of mixing up batches of soil and now use ProMix straight up. And I have no regrets on that change as it has worked great, is fairly cheap, and works perfect straight from the bale :-)

Good Luck!
I would love to have something besides miracle gro as my fert but it is all they carry at my local lowes and thanks i will pick up some dolomite lime and a ph tester also could anybody help with out with this plant, the color of the leaves were a bit yellowish/brown so i wattered them with about 1/5 recomended dosage of miracle grow all purposes nutes and ended up overwatering it is starting to look better but idk



Well-Known Member
First don't add sand. Add compost and worm castings.

Then throw away the miracle gro. It has bio solids in it. Which is left over sewage after the water has been removed.

Miracle gro is owned by scotts which is partnered with Monsanto. Which is another reason not to support miracle grow.

Pumice is a better option than perlite. Because perlite breaks down into fine powders over time and clogs the soil. Perlite also floats in soil. Pumice won't break down and aerated better and downtown float.

You should just mix amendments in the soil and let it all break down.

Chunky Stool

Well-Known Member
Promix HP worked great for my last outdoor grow. EZ PZ
I used cheap nutes similar to miracle grow & grew an 8 foot Arjans haze in a 25g cloth pot.


Well-Known Member
I would love to have something besides miracle gro as my fert but it is all they carry at my local lowes
Just another free piece of advice assuming your not in a legal state pick a plant (strawberries, peppers, even wildflowers, bamboo, not a cactus or succulent) just about anything that does well in similar conditions to MJ (strawberries probably not best example) get familiar with the plant even buy a few - but do it from a local garden store not Lowes, this way you can continually pick the brains of people that likely know more about growing plants. I had found this to be helpful to me in the past but sorta irrelevant here in CO as you can't throw a rock without hittin a grower.


Well-Known Member
I still live with my parents havnt graduated high school yet so i have to keep it on the down low and amazon is out cause my parents would open it before i would get to it
You do know that your parents could lose their house if things go wrong ,,,,, right ?
You do know that your parents could lose their house if things go wrong ,,,,, right ?
I will be doing most of my growing outside about half a mile from my house so im not really worried bout that and its not my families property but its where i know they wont be disturbed by anyone