Well-Known Member
So about two days ago My "friend" decided he wants to jack me for $500. The story is that I was sapose to be getting a qp from one of his dealers and I go with him to get it he says I have to wait outside. So he goes In well I dno how long it usually takes for a deal but it sure as hell dont take 2hrs. I sat outside for 2hrs at the park by his house. After those 2hrs Im geussing he thought I left So he goes out the back n I start runnin after his ass. Sadly he got away he had a 10min start from me at the park to the house. But I do know where he lives and I am getting my shit back. Wanna hear some other shit this kids pulled. He also fucked over my buddy out of a plant and they were better friends then me and him were. Hes on house arrest so he cant do anythn bout it.. Also couple months ago he calld up a dealer and said he wanted a gram 10 minutes later he busts into his house with one of his buddys n bats him out for 1 fucking gram!! This kids stupid. He also blocked me my friend (one he stole the plant from) and his g.f on facebook. Hes a fuckn pussy LOL. Im getting someone to call him for a weed deal an im jumping him n getting as much weed back as I can. Either way hes payn up. Really hate people that pull stupid shit like this for no reason just cause they think they can. This is also why I wish I could grow my own and not have to deal with this crap.