

Active Member
I wanted a playlist/cd, to sit and listen to while geting mashed with mates and not have to get up and change track, and as you all know, doing things like changing tracks, getting bottle openers ect are just not something you wanna do when getting on it. Well i found a solution.

I wasnt looking for it, i stumbled across to it. I was searching I Tunes for some electro tunes, i typed in the search bar 'Dirty Electro' and there was a free pod cast by IAX (or IEX i cant remember) and its about an hour long of just tunes.

Dont think to yourself, ' oh its dance music i probably wont like it' but its a mix of all sorts, from cheezzzzzzzy stuff (bit of Wacko, bit of the B-G's) and then some fucking tunes (in my opinion) Santogold, Hot Chip.

Its Ideal for chilling out and relaxing, there are about 10 different pod cast's there and all so far i have been very pleased with.

Listen for your self see what you think. Hope you enjoy.



Well-Known Member
Man I hate Hot Chip!!! If you want some good electronic music check out john digweed, Nick muir, nick warren, guy gerber, paolo mojo.... man the list goes on... seriously though check them out. or if you want somthing really trippy nathan fake or james holden.