Perpetual Ebb & Flow, 600 watt HPS, WHITE WIDOW!!!


Active Member
Here is the outside of the room/box hiddin in the attick. the floor inside the room sits on top of a large exhuast fan that came along with this old ass house and no longer works.

Here is the flower room, it is currently under a 400 watt MH but will be replaced by a 600 watt HPS cooltube there are 13 bagseed seedlings two weeks into flowering. i will pull one female as a mother and continue flowering the rest. the next batch will be all whit widow and will go in one week from today.

Here is the veg room, it is under a few CFLs but will be replaced by the 400 watt mh when the HPS gets in. that plant there is a ww in soil low stress trained and topped.

8 clones have been taken so far only one died. dwc cloner with two 12 inch stones and a water heater also has a dome. Roots, took about 5 days but i still think it needs some work to tune in.
a few questions what is optimal ph for DWC cloners?
should i use a dome?
should i use a foliar spray?

ww mother that i will take a few more clones from then continue to veg for outdoors.

Plants that are two weeks into flowering, how do they look? still no sign of sex how much longer should it be?

exhaust fan for flower room soon to exhaust through a 600 watt HPS cooltube.

Nutes, anyone no how strong my mix should be for three different stages of nutes for flowering.


Active Member
had some trouble with the pictures at first, fixed it and they're up now. let me know what you think, kinda new at this and need some help.


Active Member
I'll be the buzz kill of the thread before it gets to clogged up with everyone explaining what a simple "Search" buttons answers daily.

So with that said, try searching your questions that you can imagine are pretty basic, and know have been answered before.


Active Member
I'll be the buzz kill of the thread before it gets to clogged up with everyone explaining what a simple "Search" buttons answers daily.

So with that said, try searching your questions that you can imagine are pretty basic, and know have been answered before.
well thanks alot dude, i have clearly done my searching seeing as how i was able to put everything above together and get this far succesfully. besides this site is here for people to help others improve their grows from experience.

although i have read almost every thread on this site and know the pros and cons of the different techniques of growing God's herb, i lack the experience to know which technique is sucessful or just bogus. so why dont you take your negative comments elsewhere and get out of the way of people that wanna help.


Active Member
hey forestfarmer welcome to the ride to harvest, thanks for the props.

i transplanted 4 of the rooted clones to the flowering chamber, 4 more are going in soon to make 8 female ww clones for the second batch of my perpetual grow. cant wait to have the cycle pushin buds out every three weeks!!!! anyone have any ideas of how much each plant will harvest? im thinkin between a half to an ounce per plant?


Well-Known Member
Those look small to be on there seconds week of flower bro, you need larger buckets if you're thinking about a half to a ounce per plant, maybe get a water pump and pump some o2 into the water so they can breath.


Active Member
Those look small to be on there seconds week of flower bro, you need larger buckets if you're thinking about a half to a ounce per plant, maybe get a water pump and pump some o2 into the water so they can breath.
i feel like they are too small also. they will be three weeks on sunday and they havent gotten much bigger. i will post more pics after the weekend. i have 12 inch air stones in each reservoir, any ideas of whats goin on?


Active Member
heres a few more pictures, this is the outside of the room with doors closed.

here is the flower room, seedlings on the right are at 3 weeks, the 4 clones of left are ww clones, put into flowering 4 days ago.

here is the mother plant. took 8 more clones on sunday to have the third set of clones ready for the third batch of my perpetual cycle. they will go in in three weeks. i will probably toss 4 more clones into the second batch that only has 4 to keep it at 8 plants every three weeks.

heres the cloner with dome on

here are the 8 new clones, like i said 4 will go in right when they root and the other 4 will go in three weeks from yesterday. i will be able to clone 4 more before the third batch so i will have 8 plants in each batch.

let me know what you guys think, need some input so i can try and improve this system and push out some fire buds.


Active Member
i dont mean to ask a stupid question but how are you cloning?
i like to hear how ppl clone when they make it work.
good grow bro :)


Active Member
i dont mean to ask a stupid question but how are you cloning?
i like to hear how ppl clone when they make it work.
good grow bro :)
no question is a stupid question, but i take all my cuttings at a node of the branch. i try to keep them around 5 to 6 inches but its okay if some are a bit smaller.
i immediately drop the cutting into a glass of water to keep the clone from sucking up air bubbles and dying.
i then take the clones one by one and slice a strip about on inch long at the bottom of the stem.
i dip them into a cloning gell then pop them into my cloner.

the cloner has two 12 inch air stones and a fish tank water heater to keep the root zone warm. i have tried not using the dome and now i am trying using the dome to see which is more effective.

so far i have had about 90% success rate but im still not happy about the health of my clones when they are done rooting.

that is basically my technique i hope it helps, if anyone has any critiques of my technique please feel free to comment.


Active Member
FUCK!!!!!! i just cut 8 fucking males!!!

i have 5 left still not showing sex. hopefully all female, i hear females take longer to show so i guess thats good.

i moved the 4 ww clones from the second batch and put them in with the 5 females that are left just to save space. and plan on moving 8 ww clones in as soon as they are rooted.

but, however and not surprisingly, i am having trouble with my clones. they all seem to accumulate this gewwy/jelly-like layer on the stems. when i tried to rub it of on one of them it peeled away the outer shell off the stem.
what does that mean?
should i kill them and put 8 more in so i dont waste time because i am ready to get my second batch in!?!?

pictures are comin up soon


Wow... as a newbie I am super impressed. Can't wait for updates.

I have intended on setting this up myself... in the ATTIC! THis was my New Years Resolution!!! So, as someone that is in the planning stages how much was your set up in terms of start up costs. I plan on growing enough for myself and nothing more. I am a casual smoker (i.e, 2 bowls/ night) and I have no intentions of increasing my consumption. I simply want control of what I smoke w/o having to worry about the black market aspect and the horrible quality being sold.

I figure one 600w HPS light and Ebb and Flow would suffice... along with all other peripherals. THe intent is to grow enough for me to consume as a casual smoker (i.e, 2 bowls/ night). Any thoughts on cost?

Thanks for the inspiration!!!


Active Member
Wow... as a newbie I am super impressed. Can't wait for updates.

I have intended on setting this up myself... in the ATTIC! THis was my New Years Resolution!!! So, as someone that is in the planning stages how much was your set up in terms of start up costs. I plan on growing enough for myself and nothing more. I am a casual smoker (i.e, 2 bowls/ night) and I have no intentions of increasing my consumption. I simply want control of what I smoke w/o having to worry about the black market aspect and the horrible quality being sold.

I figure one 600w HPS light and Ebb and Flow would suffice... along with all other peripherals. THe intent is to grow enough for me to consume as a casual smoker (i.e, 2 bowls/ night). Any thoughts on cost?

Thanks for the inspiration!!!
Im glad that you like it MaxPower, as you can see this set up was 100% DIY so as you could imagine it was pretty cheap. i will try and make a list of everythin i have and price them and tell you where you can get them.

Materials to build the room
-several 2x4s
-sheet rock
-weather seal
- and alot of patients

Lighting and circulation
-HPS light, you prefer a 600 watt which i also recomend. $200 (ebay)
-some sort of vegging light. 80 watts of CFLs will be sufficient preferably the blue spectrum one $45 (walmart)
-Stanley blower is my exhaust fan $35 (walmart)
-circulating far to move air around the room $9 (walmart)

Hydro system
-reservoir $4 (walmart)
-flood tray $4 (walmart)
-flood/drain fittings $10 (hydro shop)
-80 GPH water pump $30 (lowes, Home Depot)
-airpump and stone $10 (walmart)
-rubber tubbing $3 (walmart)
-pots- ask if any stores have any trash piles of pots. $free (lowes, Home Depot, or any nursury)
-Hydroton pebbles $20 (hydro shop)

-rubbermaids $6 (walmart)
-air pump and stones $10 (walmart)
-for the plugs i used a foam workout mat and cut into circles $6 (walmart)

that about sums it up, remember however that you are growing in an attic and it will get really hot in the summer depending on where you live. they sell cheap window AC units at walmart that you can DIY and fit it into your room somehow.
Hope this helps!


Active Member
Some tips on cloning...

Cut the end of your clon at a 45 degree angle.

Scrape one side near the bottom.. instead of striping the whole bottom.

Cut of the bottom 2 nodes flush with the stalk... Roots will grow from there also.

Water temps mid 70's to make it go faster..

Good gloning gel... Growtech works well.

And keep a dome over the clones for the first 3 days for so...

Best of luck, and keep up the best of luck...


Active Member
Pulled another male so that makes it 9 males out of 13 seeds, BULLSHIT!
and 2 of my 4 ww clones died.

I now have 4 definite females, from bagseed, that are 5 weeks into flowering
and two ww clones that are about a week into flowering.

I also have 8 more cuttings put into the cloner about 8 days ago.
And believe it or not I am having trouble with my cloner again. I dont know what I am doing wrong, maybe you can help:
-Water temp- 70-80F
-Temp- 70-80F
-humidity 50%
-took cutting at 45 degree angle
-scraped a bit off the bottom of stem
-split the stem at the bottom
-trimmed fan leaves
-dipped into rootech cloning gel
-popped into the cloner
-dome first three days only
-stems were 1/4" under water for first three days then pulled up to just above it (i wonder if thats why they arent doing well)
WHAT AM I DOING WRONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The bagseed that is the furthest along. this is at 5 weeks, seems like it should be further along. is this because i went straight to 12/12 from seed and not from clone? or could it just be the strain?

this is ww clone 1. not lookin so good, two have already died. this one looks like its gunna make it tho.

and ww clone 2. this one is doin the best and just started doin even better.

so i know that i need to take one of the seedlings out of flowering and make it a mother but i cant get myself to do it because i was planning on having 8 plants my first harvest and im already only down to 4. and on top of that my second batch witch is the the ww clones is even more measly than the first.
(althogh the two ww clones are "my second batch" i put them in with the first batch becuase i didnt want to deal with a whole other system for only two clones)
and on top of that even, i only have two weeks to have 8 healthy plants ready to put in for my third batch and my cloner is suckin, im starting to think that this is going downhill. nothing ever goes like planned. anyone with any help please feel free to critique.