Perpetual medical grow


Active Member
First time starting a thread. I wanted to show how I've been harvesting a plant every two weeks and still follow the guidelines of my medical card. By law I'm able to grow a total of nine plants and only two can be mature. So I set up my grow room to have four plants in veg and four plants in flower. I have eight waterfarms that I run individually. I would run a texas controller and resivor(sorry kinda stoned) but because all my plants are different ages, I need to run different amounts of ferts in all my buckets. It's kinda a pain in the ass but well worth the effort. I also have a daisy cloner in my veg room. I just take a cutting off of one of my vegging plants and two weeks later I have another plant. So with the nine plant limit I'm able to have a clone, four plants vegging a various stages for a total of eight weeks vegging time before a plant goes into the flower room. This gives me plenty of time to prune my plants so when they go into flower they have a pretty nice canopy. So any way here's some photos, tell me what you think.:weed:




Looks good dude.

How much herb do you produce in each harvest?

Do you always have weed, continuously?