perpetual Tallglassesofmilk 400 watt

What's up everybody! Im starting this journal here but I've had two others running.. One at ICM and one at GC... Nobody seems to want to chat over there so I'm starting this, hoping for some advice and knowledge to be able to use, help my self to grow good meds and not be burdened by the cost. As soon as I can, I'll be giving (not asking for money in return) my group of friends as much as possible. Before starting this, I donated wayyyy to much for too long and never had anyone tell me to grow. Nobody I know knew how or did it. Everyone talks about it though... I'd love to get a good grasp on this and then.get as many people started with their own grows. Why?? Because of corporate america. That's why. None of us have 2k per month to spend on flowers.

Now that ive answered the why, let's talk about the how and what.
I have three plants in their first week of flower. They all three have many tops as I topped them at about 10 inches. All very short with big thick trunks.

I have had some over watering issues and I flushed about a week before starting flower. Flower was started June 16th.

Strain? A dub crossed with whatever og they were using to perfect the genetic. I was told either cherry pie og or by og. Basically I need to take clones as I have some 32%+ THC tested at sc labs type/quality genetics. I got the seeds from smoking tons of a dub. The stuff looks like spiderwebs on the inside when you pull it apart because of the count of resin the buds carry. We did keep one other seed along with the adub and this was from some top quality LA con. Keep in mind everything I'm talking about is from Orange County. If the breeder of adub wants to jump in and maybe say if they like light feed medium or heavy or just really anything they noticed as far as tendencies or needs that would be like pure gold. Really though, anyone who has an idea about or has had experience with aliendog or sour bubble, please chime in. IMG_20140622_214356.jpg
They are under 400 watts hps and they were under 200 watts cfl for the 2/3 of the veg. First week of flower now... I don't see pistils yet but I would say in a week their will be pistils. They have preflowers that seem female but too early to tell. They don't show any signs of having a stem to the preflower though... Keeping my fingers crossed.

Temps staying at around 80 during their day, 68-72 during night. Humidity was around 60 but I've been letting more fresh air through and got it down to 48 right now with lights on.

Got them eating big bloom and molasses only right now because I just flushed about a week and a half ago. Gave them each about 2 cups water with 1 tbsp black strap organic molasses per gallon. 2 tsp per gallon big bloom. Verrry light. I wanted them to be hungry so that in a few days I can give a full feed. Possibly 1/8 cup big bloom, 1 tsp tiger bloom and 1 tbsp molasses. I also have grow big and used 3 tsp per gallon every other feed the first six weeks (veg).