Well-Known Member
If anyone has read my previous post's on this site you will know a lot of them are about opiates in general, with quite a few about poppies. I have been a proud poppy grower for quite a few years and have grown them in all different manners ie., indoor, outdoor, soil, and hydroponics. Besides the different methods used to grow them I have also grown them in two different geographic locations, from down south in the swampy, hot, humid, and clay rich soil of Louisiana to the current location in Illinois. I have grown a few different strains of poppies but have always favored Persian White Poppies(Tasmanian Poppies are my second favorite).
I think I favor Persian white's just cause it was the first strain I ever tried growing and I have never been disappointed with their yield. The first time I grew poppies I only planted a few and I did it hydroponically. Poppies were the first plants I have ever grown, even before growing weed. The first attempt was a success and I was hooked. I only had about 15-20 poppies and off those I yielded a little over a gram of opium but I saw the possibilities. So I decided to try it outdoors. My first outdoor attempt was in Louisiana.
At this point I was still a amateur in not only poppy growing but gardening in general. So I didn't really know what I was doing. I lived on 50 acres surrounded by woods. I found a little section and started my garden. The first thing I learned quick was the soil in Louisiana was horrible. I'm originally from Illinois and the soil there is great for farming, but Louisiana was not so great at all. I went and bought a tiller and tried to till the little garden I plotted out. The tiller just couldn't get through the soil that great. I ended up tilling as well as I could and ended up shoveling the tilled clay out and replaced it with bought top soil. I only shoveled about a foot down. Once the soil was replaced I went out and planted my seed's. After 10 day's or so I went and checked my garden and there was nothing. So I went and did some research and tried again. This time I went out and planted my seeds and then took a rake and ever so lightly took the rake across the top of the soil so that the seeds were barely under the soil at all, at the most they were buried 1/8th of a inch deep. The next day I went out and watered them. I tried to barely mist the garden but sure as hell it was still to much water pressure and the seeds were displaced. Once again I went out and planted and raked and then did some research. I found the answer for watering them and the answer was a soaker hose. So I went and bought a soaker hose and placed it in the garden. 10 days later I went out to check them and it was beautiful, my babies were growing. That year I planted about 200 poppies and yielded about 22 grams of opium.
The first few times I grew poppies I did score the pods and extract the opium. All I did with the opium was take it one step further and cooked it. Cooked opium just means you liquefy it with water and heat and then filter it. Doing this just cleans your opium getting out any of the dirt, plant material, etc that may have gotten in with the opium when you are scraping it off the pod. So from my poppies I would yield the opium and the poppy pods as well which I would use to make poppy tea. To be honest when I decided to grow poppies it was cause I wanted the pods for the tea. I wanted the opium to of course but I really didn't think I would ever grow enough poppies that the opium would amount to much. As time went by and I continued to grow I began to become more serious about converting the opium into morphine and then into heroin.
To grow enough poppies, extract the opium, and then convert that opium into heroin is not something to take lightly. While growing poppies here in the US is in a grayish, legal area it is always illegal to score the pods(scoring means to cut)in order to milk the poppies. And while growing poppies is legal you are going to have a hard time explaining growing thousands of poppies and you may very well get charged with something. So if you are thinking of growing poppies in order to process heroin you are going to need a few things, the first is a garden.
Finding a place may not be hard depending where you live. The good thing about growing poppies is that they are quick, normally finishing in under 90 days. With weed you are growing all summer and into the fall. The fall is not good cause thats when the deer hunters come out. Well with poppies its different. Here in Illinois poppies should be planted in November. If you can't do it in November then plant right before the last frost, Normally end of March. Poppies like the cold and they veg and bloom on opposite cycles of weed. Meaning they veg when when the days are short and bloom as the days grow long. Normally in Illinois poppies bloom in the middle-end of June. A good thing about a hidden poppy garden is that most people won't even know what they are until they bloom.
Before the poppy blooms it just looks like a weed. As it matures it will have a green pod hanging down like a hook. Once its ready to bloom that pod will start to stand up and the hook will straighten out. The pod will begin to open and the flower will bloom. This is when they are the most noticeable. Someone walking out in the woods would notice them for sure at this point. Still though a lot of people wouldn't know what they are except a pretty flower. Once the poppy blooms the peddles will stay on the plant for about 2 weeks. Once the peddles fall off they are almost ready to score. On top of the pod there is a crown going around the top of the pod. At first this crown will be laying down against the pod. After the peddles fall of the pod the crown will start to stand up. Once the crown is up the plant is now ready to be milked of it's opium.
To score a poppy pod you have to know what the pod looks like on the inside. Basically think of two balloons inflated, one inside the other. Between the two balloons is water and the water is what you want and balloon in the middle cant be popped. Thats what a poppy pod is like. You have the outside skin, then the opium, then the inside pod with the seeds. When scoring a pod you need to cut deep enough to cut that outer layer of skin so the opium can easily flow out, but not too deep to where the opium flows into the middle seed pod. This normally means cutting about 1-3mm. You also want the cutting part to be skinny. The reason for this is when you cut the pod you don't want a big gashing wound cause that will have the opium coming out to quickly and that will cause it to drip off the pod onto the ground wasting it. This can also happen if it rains a lot before scoring the pods. The more water the plant has in it the more watered down the opium will be, you want the opium to be a thick liquid the seeps out of the pod not a thin liquid that will flow out of the pod and drip. I make a tool by taking a Popsicle stick and embedding 4 razor blades(from a shaving razor) into the Popsicle stick. Once you have a scoring tool your ready. Go out to your garden and, walking backwards, begin scoring them. The reason for walking backwards is just so your not scoring a pod and then having to walk past it to get to the next one and all the while accidentally rubbing up against the freshly scored pods and therefore getting all the oozing opium smeared on your clothes. Not all pods will be ready at the same exact day so just check the crown and if its ready score the pod. When you score the pod just grab a hold of it and make three cuts on each side. You can make the cuts vertically or horizontally it don't matter it's whatever you prefer. As soon as you cut the pod, if done right, opium should immediately start seeping out. It will be a white liquid a little thinner then elmers glue. Once you score the pods just leave the garden and wait till the next day when the opium will be dried on the pod and ready to be scraped off the pod. At this point the opium will be a reddish, dried blood color. To do this I found a putty knife with a round part cut out of the side. Just grab a hold of the pod and scrape it off, theres not much to it. Once you scrape for the day you'll be ready to go through and check to see if any of the poppies that weren't ready the day before to be scored are ready now. You will repeat this process for the next 7-14 days. The pods can be scored 3-5 times over the next week or two. This is a very labor intensive process and if you have a decent sized garden your going to need people to help you. On average for every 10 pods your going to get 1 gram of raw opium. Of that 1 gram of raw opium you'll get 850mg of cooked opium. So if you have 5,000 pods(not plants but pods. I say this cause poppy plants produce more then 1 pod per plant)you should hope to get 500g of raw opium, which will hopefully give you 425g of cooked opium.
If you have gotten 425g of cooked opium your doing pretty good, and to stop there isn't a bad idea...but some people, like me, just have to still take it further and turn that opium into heroin. This of course has its additional issues that need to be overcame. First off your going to need to know how to even process opium into morphine and then to heroin and then heroin HCl(if thats what you want). You can easily find plenty of literature on how to do this, actually on the DEA website they even say how to do it. Or you can look up patent's on how to do it. I'll be 100% honest and tell you it's not very hard to due if you have some common sense. You will need the chemicals and equipment to do it as well. This use to be somewhat difficult but not anymore. One of the chemicals needed is Acetic Anhydride(AA). This is a regulated chemical. I remember buying it for my first time and I bought it from a chemical house. They made me fax them a pic of my ID but also I had to fill out a DEA end-user agreement stating what I'm using it for and other info. I of course had a story for them and I ended up getting it. But now you can just log onto eBay and you can buy liters of it with no issues at all. If you get the AA then your good to go. The other chemicals aren't difficult to get at all and can all be bought on ebay. I'm not going to go into how to make heroin because about a month ago I wrote a long thread on a home-bake heroin synthesis in which I explained how to produce heroin from codeine(such as Tylenol 3 or OTC Nurofen plus)and a couple people complained saying that type of info shouldn't be on this site so the moderators took it off. That pissed me off cause I sat and typed it out for two hours trying to give people information but since a couple people didn't like it Rollitup decided on censorship...kind of odd considering this whole site is about illegal activities. But I'm getting way off subject. Anyways. If you go through and take you 425g of cooked opium and turn that into heroin you will be hoping to get 1 tenth the weight of the opium in heroin. So that means you should hope to get 42.5g of heroin from 425g of cooked opium. If you take that 42.5g of heroin base and turn it into it's HCl salt then you will have pure(hopefully in the 99% pure)heroin which will be a white crystal powder. This is the sort of heroin that most people will never see. For example if you look at the two pictures you can see a chuck 12.5g of "raw" heroin I just picked up in Chicago. Sorry for the bad quality but I took the pic with my phone but in the pic you can see the black specks throughout the chunk. That's from taking black tar and mixing it up to make it into powder form. You can see that there are barely any black specks compared to the substrate. I'd say at best the black tar specks makes up 20% of the total weight. So the people who cut it took say a kg of 99% pure black tar(OK "pure black tar" is a oxymoron since black tar is not pure and cannot be pure at all. Black tar heroin is actually more 6-MAM and 3-MAM than Diacetylmorphine(heroin)) and added 4kg of an adulterant. That would knock the 1kg of the 99% black tar heroin to 5kg of 20% powder heroin. This means the 42.5 grams of 99% pure heroin you made can be cut with 170g of substrate to give you 212.5g of 20% pure heroin HCl. You could actually put more cut on the heroin HCl and still have a very good product, you could honestly make a 1/4kg(250g) from the 42.5g of heroin HCl and you wouldn't have any issue selling it. I'm not saying you can sell it a pure heroin obviously but as far as street grade heroin you could sell it with no issues. Now those 250g can be sold at all sorts of different prices depending on where its being sold. In Chicago in the open air market's, found on the west side and south side, $10 bag's(known as blow's) can be found without much difficulty at all. I started buying heroin in a section of the west side known as k-town back in 1999. Back then I would buy a jab with 14 blows for $120. Now jabs normally are $100 for 13 blows. Each blow weigh about 150mg. whereas they use to be measured out with the old McDonald's coffee stirrer, those stirrers would weigh out 100mg. Grams of "raw" heroin cost around $120-150, now I can get them all day long for $80 if just getting 1g, or $300 for 5g, for the 12.5g I paid $675 which comes to $54 a gram. So prices have gone down considerably. But even with the prices dropping you could get 1,666, 150mg., blows out of the 250 grams you have made. Take those 1,666 blows and you can make 128 jabs, with each jab having 13 blows. You sell each jab for $100. So 128 jabs x $100 = $12,815. Not bad for starting out with 42.5g. Now I'm not just talking shit here this is very possible and I can say that cause I have done this. I'm not saying with these exact numbers cause the numbers were higher. But I just want to let you know there are people growing poppies and producing heroin here within the US. Most people think that only takes place in other countries but that's not so. But I have also noticed that more black tar is starting to show up and that's not so cool. This influx in black tar can be directly traced to the Sinaloa Cartel which has a strong hold in Chicago and Sinaloa has long been a poppy producing region ever since the US urged Mexico to grow poppies during WWII in order to have enough morphine for the war.
Once again I'm getting off subject. I have been using a acetylfentanyl + heroin mix today(it's the last picture, the one of the powder) and I'm pretty high and when I get high I get to typing. So anyways where was I...I may update this within the next few days...well I'm hoping I have a reason to update this within the next few days for this reason. Back in November 2011 I planted approximately 14,000 seeds in one garden and another 26,000. I planned on harvesting them in June 2012. Well I was out on bond on a case during this time and I went to court in April 2012. I was presented with a plea agreement offering me only 2 years(the case held a sentence of 2-5 years for a normal person or 5-10 years if you have previous felonies, which I do) and they messed up by counting the time I was out on bond as time served towards my sentence. I was out on bond for 159 days so they gave me almost 6 months towards my sentence. So off the 2 year sentence I had to only give them about 7 months since they gave me the 159 days by accident. So I decided to cope out and take the deal that day before they caught onto their mistake. Now about 2 weeks before I went to court I went out to the gardens and the poppies were growing. Of course they were tiny but they were there. I had these gardens spread out by about 25 miles or so and were in separate counties, both of them being small. Neither one of the gardens were discovered. I say this just cause if one were found it would of made the front page of the paper and I would've heard about it. So if they grew and bloomed I may have two gardens this year. This does sometimes happen, where poppies can and do sometimes spread likes weeds. This happens cause after the poppy blooms and its left alone the pod will dry out. It will turn the color or wood. ​If you were to pick one you could shake it and it sound like a maraca with all the seeds shaking around. Well anyways the pods dries and it will eventually crack open or be walked on by a deer or whatever. The seeds inside are tiny and can be spread easily. I have seen poppies spread a good 75 yards from a garden from the previous year and I just happen to notice one day there were fully blooming poppies growing by my pond in Louisiana and like I said the garden was at least 75 yards away the year before. So like I said they were growing last years so they may be growing again this year. I haven't been able to go to either garden these past couple months so I'm not sure whats up. Like I said normally poppies should've bloomed and have been scored by no. But since it was a cold spring the poppies should bloom right around now. So I'm gonna try to get out to one of the gardens, if not both, tomorrow. So I'm keeping my fingers crossed. If they are ready tomorrow when I check I'll definitely take some pictures so you guys can see. I'll also take pictures throughout the next 2 weeks while I extract the opium and maybe even as I process it into heroin. But those will be in a couple weeks. When harvesting this many poppies me and my workers will actually bust out the tents and move out to the gardens. Like I said its labor intensive working from sun up to sun down. If I milk the opium off of say 120,000 pods I will get over a kg of 99% pure heroin HCl. I came up with the 120,000 pod number purely just a estimate, Like I said I planted a total of 40,000 plants, and if those plants produce 3 pods per plant there's 120k pods. Now of course I planted 40k plants but if they spread themselves those 40k plants good be hundreds of thousands of plants or more. Each pod produces hundreds of seeds on the low end. Say each pod produced a average of 400 seeds that would mean those 40k original plants produced 16,000,000 seeds.
Well Ive been on this computer for two hours or more. I just did bit more of my vice and I'm pretty high and nodding off pretty hard so it's time to relax. If anyone has any questions feel free to write in and I'll try to help. Take it easy and be safe.

I think I favor Persian white's just cause it was the first strain I ever tried growing and I have never been disappointed with their yield. The first time I grew poppies I only planted a few and I did it hydroponically. Poppies were the first plants I have ever grown, even before growing weed. The first attempt was a success and I was hooked. I only had about 15-20 poppies and off those I yielded a little over a gram of opium but I saw the possibilities. So I decided to try it outdoors. My first outdoor attempt was in Louisiana.
At this point I was still a amateur in not only poppy growing but gardening in general. So I didn't really know what I was doing. I lived on 50 acres surrounded by woods. I found a little section and started my garden. The first thing I learned quick was the soil in Louisiana was horrible. I'm originally from Illinois and the soil there is great for farming, but Louisiana was not so great at all. I went and bought a tiller and tried to till the little garden I plotted out. The tiller just couldn't get through the soil that great. I ended up tilling as well as I could and ended up shoveling the tilled clay out and replaced it with bought top soil. I only shoveled about a foot down. Once the soil was replaced I went out and planted my seed's. After 10 day's or so I went and checked my garden and there was nothing. So I went and did some research and tried again. This time I went out and planted my seeds and then took a rake and ever so lightly took the rake across the top of the soil so that the seeds were barely under the soil at all, at the most they were buried 1/8th of a inch deep. The next day I went out and watered them. I tried to barely mist the garden but sure as hell it was still to much water pressure and the seeds were displaced. Once again I went out and planted and raked and then did some research. I found the answer for watering them and the answer was a soaker hose. So I went and bought a soaker hose and placed it in the garden. 10 days later I went out to check them and it was beautiful, my babies were growing. That year I planted about 200 poppies and yielded about 22 grams of opium.
The first few times I grew poppies I did score the pods and extract the opium. All I did with the opium was take it one step further and cooked it. Cooked opium just means you liquefy it with water and heat and then filter it. Doing this just cleans your opium getting out any of the dirt, plant material, etc that may have gotten in with the opium when you are scraping it off the pod. So from my poppies I would yield the opium and the poppy pods as well which I would use to make poppy tea. To be honest when I decided to grow poppies it was cause I wanted the pods for the tea. I wanted the opium to of course but I really didn't think I would ever grow enough poppies that the opium would amount to much. As time went by and I continued to grow I began to become more serious about converting the opium into morphine and then into heroin.
To grow enough poppies, extract the opium, and then convert that opium into heroin is not something to take lightly. While growing poppies here in the US is in a grayish, legal area it is always illegal to score the pods(scoring means to cut)in order to milk the poppies. And while growing poppies is legal you are going to have a hard time explaining growing thousands of poppies and you may very well get charged with something. So if you are thinking of growing poppies in order to process heroin you are going to need a few things, the first is a garden.
Finding a place may not be hard depending where you live. The good thing about growing poppies is that they are quick, normally finishing in under 90 days. With weed you are growing all summer and into the fall. The fall is not good cause thats when the deer hunters come out. Well with poppies its different. Here in Illinois poppies should be planted in November. If you can't do it in November then plant right before the last frost, Normally end of March. Poppies like the cold and they veg and bloom on opposite cycles of weed. Meaning they veg when when the days are short and bloom as the days grow long. Normally in Illinois poppies bloom in the middle-end of June. A good thing about a hidden poppy garden is that most people won't even know what they are until they bloom.
Before the poppy blooms it just looks like a weed. As it matures it will have a green pod hanging down like a hook. Once its ready to bloom that pod will start to stand up and the hook will straighten out. The pod will begin to open and the flower will bloom. This is when they are the most noticeable. Someone walking out in the woods would notice them for sure at this point. Still though a lot of people wouldn't know what they are except a pretty flower. Once the poppy blooms the peddles will stay on the plant for about 2 weeks. Once the peddles fall off they are almost ready to score. On top of the pod there is a crown going around the top of the pod. At first this crown will be laying down against the pod. After the peddles fall of the pod the crown will start to stand up. Once the crown is up the plant is now ready to be milked of it's opium.
To score a poppy pod you have to know what the pod looks like on the inside. Basically think of two balloons inflated, one inside the other. Between the two balloons is water and the water is what you want and balloon in the middle cant be popped. Thats what a poppy pod is like. You have the outside skin, then the opium, then the inside pod with the seeds. When scoring a pod you need to cut deep enough to cut that outer layer of skin so the opium can easily flow out, but not too deep to where the opium flows into the middle seed pod. This normally means cutting about 1-3mm. You also want the cutting part to be skinny. The reason for this is when you cut the pod you don't want a big gashing wound cause that will have the opium coming out to quickly and that will cause it to drip off the pod onto the ground wasting it. This can also happen if it rains a lot before scoring the pods. The more water the plant has in it the more watered down the opium will be, you want the opium to be a thick liquid the seeps out of the pod not a thin liquid that will flow out of the pod and drip. I make a tool by taking a Popsicle stick and embedding 4 razor blades(from a shaving razor) into the Popsicle stick. Once you have a scoring tool your ready. Go out to your garden and, walking backwards, begin scoring them. The reason for walking backwards is just so your not scoring a pod and then having to walk past it to get to the next one and all the while accidentally rubbing up against the freshly scored pods and therefore getting all the oozing opium smeared on your clothes. Not all pods will be ready at the same exact day so just check the crown and if its ready score the pod. When you score the pod just grab a hold of it and make three cuts on each side. You can make the cuts vertically or horizontally it don't matter it's whatever you prefer. As soon as you cut the pod, if done right, opium should immediately start seeping out. It will be a white liquid a little thinner then elmers glue. Once you score the pods just leave the garden and wait till the next day when the opium will be dried on the pod and ready to be scraped off the pod. At this point the opium will be a reddish, dried blood color. To do this I found a putty knife with a round part cut out of the side. Just grab a hold of the pod and scrape it off, theres not much to it. Once you scrape for the day you'll be ready to go through and check to see if any of the poppies that weren't ready the day before to be scored are ready now. You will repeat this process for the next 7-14 days. The pods can be scored 3-5 times over the next week or two. This is a very labor intensive process and if you have a decent sized garden your going to need people to help you. On average for every 10 pods your going to get 1 gram of raw opium. Of that 1 gram of raw opium you'll get 850mg of cooked opium. So if you have 5,000 pods(not plants but pods. I say this cause poppy plants produce more then 1 pod per plant)you should hope to get 500g of raw opium, which will hopefully give you 425g of cooked opium.
If you have gotten 425g of cooked opium your doing pretty good, and to stop there isn't a bad idea...but some people, like me, just have to still take it further and turn that opium into heroin. This of course has its additional issues that need to be overcame. First off your going to need to know how to even process opium into morphine and then to heroin and then heroin HCl(if thats what you want). You can easily find plenty of literature on how to do this, actually on the DEA website they even say how to do it. Or you can look up patent's on how to do it. I'll be 100% honest and tell you it's not very hard to due if you have some common sense. You will need the chemicals and equipment to do it as well. This use to be somewhat difficult but not anymore. One of the chemicals needed is Acetic Anhydride(AA). This is a regulated chemical. I remember buying it for my first time and I bought it from a chemical house. They made me fax them a pic of my ID but also I had to fill out a DEA end-user agreement stating what I'm using it for and other info. I of course had a story for them and I ended up getting it. But now you can just log onto eBay and you can buy liters of it with no issues at all. If you get the AA then your good to go. The other chemicals aren't difficult to get at all and can all be bought on ebay. I'm not going to go into how to make heroin because about a month ago I wrote a long thread on a home-bake heroin synthesis in which I explained how to produce heroin from codeine(such as Tylenol 3 or OTC Nurofen plus)and a couple people complained saying that type of info shouldn't be on this site so the moderators took it off. That pissed me off cause I sat and typed it out for two hours trying to give people information but since a couple people didn't like it Rollitup decided on censorship...kind of odd considering this whole site is about illegal activities. But I'm getting way off subject. Anyways. If you go through and take you 425g of cooked opium and turn that into heroin you will be hoping to get 1 tenth the weight of the opium in heroin. So that means you should hope to get 42.5g of heroin from 425g of cooked opium. If you take that 42.5g of heroin base and turn it into it's HCl salt then you will have pure(hopefully in the 99% pure)heroin which will be a white crystal powder. This is the sort of heroin that most people will never see. For example if you look at the two pictures you can see a chuck 12.5g of "raw" heroin I just picked up in Chicago. Sorry for the bad quality but I took the pic with my phone but in the pic you can see the black specks throughout the chunk. That's from taking black tar and mixing it up to make it into powder form. You can see that there are barely any black specks compared to the substrate. I'd say at best the black tar specks makes up 20% of the total weight. So the people who cut it took say a kg of 99% pure black tar(OK "pure black tar" is a oxymoron since black tar is not pure and cannot be pure at all. Black tar heroin is actually more 6-MAM and 3-MAM than Diacetylmorphine(heroin)) and added 4kg of an adulterant. That would knock the 1kg of the 99% black tar heroin to 5kg of 20% powder heroin. This means the 42.5 grams of 99% pure heroin you made can be cut with 170g of substrate to give you 212.5g of 20% pure heroin HCl. You could actually put more cut on the heroin HCl and still have a very good product, you could honestly make a 1/4kg(250g) from the 42.5g of heroin HCl and you wouldn't have any issue selling it. I'm not saying you can sell it a pure heroin obviously but as far as street grade heroin you could sell it with no issues. Now those 250g can be sold at all sorts of different prices depending on where its being sold. In Chicago in the open air market's, found on the west side and south side, $10 bag's(known as blow's) can be found without much difficulty at all. I started buying heroin in a section of the west side known as k-town back in 1999. Back then I would buy a jab with 14 blows for $120. Now jabs normally are $100 for 13 blows. Each blow weigh about 150mg. whereas they use to be measured out with the old McDonald's coffee stirrer, those stirrers would weigh out 100mg. Grams of "raw" heroin cost around $120-150, now I can get them all day long for $80 if just getting 1g, or $300 for 5g, for the 12.5g I paid $675 which comes to $54 a gram. So prices have gone down considerably. But even with the prices dropping you could get 1,666, 150mg., blows out of the 250 grams you have made. Take those 1,666 blows and you can make 128 jabs, with each jab having 13 blows. You sell each jab for $100. So 128 jabs x $100 = $12,815. Not bad for starting out with 42.5g. Now I'm not just talking shit here this is very possible and I can say that cause I have done this. I'm not saying with these exact numbers cause the numbers were higher. But I just want to let you know there are people growing poppies and producing heroin here within the US. Most people think that only takes place in other countries but that's not so. But I have also noticed that more black tar is starting to show up and that's not so cool. This influx in black tar can be directly traced to the Sinaloa Cartel which has a strong hold in Chicago and Sinaloa has long been a poppy producing region ever since the US urged Mexico to grow poppies during WWII in order to have enough morphine for the war.
Once again I'm getting off subject. I have been using a acetylfentanyl + heroin mix today(it's the last picture, the one of the powder) and I'm pretty high and when I get high I get to typing. So anyways where was I...I may update this within the next few days...well I'm hoping I have a reason to update this within the next few days for this reason. Back in November 2011 I planted approximately 14,000 seeds in one garden and another 26,000. I planned on harvesting them in June 2012. Well I was out on bond on a case during this time and I went to court in April 2012. I was presented with a plea agreement offering me only 2 years(the case held a sentence of 2-5 years for a normal person or 5-10 years if you have previous felonies, which I do) and they messed up by counting the time I was out on bond as time served towards my sentence. I was out on bond for 159 days so they gave me almost 6 months towards my sentence. So off the 2 year sentence I had to only give them about 7 months since they gave me the 159 days by accident. So I decided to cope out and take the deal that day before they caught onto their mistake. Now about 2 weeks before I went to court I went out to the gardens and the poppies were growing. Of course they were tiny but they were there. I had these gardens spread out by about 25 miles or so and were in separate counties, both of them being small. Neither one of the gardens were discovered. I say this just cause if one were found it would of made the front page of the paper and I would've heard about it. So if they grew and bloomed I may have two gardens this year. This does sometimes happen, where poppies can and do sometimes spread likes weeds. This happens cause after the poppy blooms and its left alone the pod will dry out. It will turn the color or wood. ​If you were to pick one you could shake it and it sound like a maraca with all the seeds shaking around. Well anyways the pods dries and it will eventually crack open or be walked on by a deer or whatever. The seeds inside are tiny and can be spread easily. I have seen poppies spread a good 75 yards from a garden from the previous year and I just happen to notice one day there were fully blooming poppies growing by my pond in Louisiana and like I said the garden was at least 75 yards away the year before. So like I said they were growing last years so they may be growing again this year. I haven't been able to go to either garden these past couple months so I'm not sure whats up. Like I said normally poppies should've bloomed and have been scored by no. But since it was a cold spring the poppies should bloom right around now. So I'm gonna try to get out to one of the gardens, if not both, tomorrow. So I'm keeping my fingers crossed. If they are ready tomorrow when I check I'll definitely take some pictures so you guys can see. I'll also take pictures throughout the next 2 weeks while I extract the opium and maybe even as I process it into heroin. But those will be in a couple weeks. When harvesting this many poppies me and my workers will actually bust out the tents and move out to the gardens. Like I said its labor intensive working from sun up to sun down. If I milk the opium off of say 120,000 pods I will get over a kg of 99% pure heroin HCl. I came up with the 120,000 pod number purely just a estimate, Like I said I planted a total of 40,000 plants, and if those plants produce 3 pods per plant there's 120k pods. Now of course I planted 40k plants but if they spread themselves those 40k plants good be hundreds of thousands of plants or more. Each pod produces hundreds of seeds on the low end. Say each pod produced a average of 400 seeds that would mean those 40k original plants produced 16,000,000 seeds.
Well Ive been on this computer for two hours or more. I just did bit more of my vice and I'm pretty high and nodding off pretty hard so it's time to relax. If anyone has any questions feel free to write in and I'll try to help. Take it easy and be safe.