Persistence of Pollen in grow room

I am a first time grower and it appears that my first batch is all males(what are the odds eh?). They have been under 12/12 lights for about a week but all have what looks like pollen sacs. Since I have never seen any plants enter into flowering I am afraid to scrap them in case the preflowers look similar.
If I let them flower and the males release pollen into the room/closet will the next batch(of more exphensive seeds) become pollinated by the males that were there a couple of weeks before?
Do pre-flowers look similar at first?
Thank you!


Well-Known Member
you are predominantly looking for clusters to know its male. a female will have a single calyx which will have white coloured pistels (hairs) coming from them.

if you see the pistels its female

if you see clusters then its male.

As long as you clean down your growing area , which you should be doing weekly, you shouldn't have to worry about pollen.

google image search

male cannabis plants

or search RIU for SEXING

hope this helps

Thanks Jondamon!
Well they bloomed and and released pollen. I hope a good cleaning and a month or two will be enough to ensure that the next batch of expensive seeds are not fertilized.
Thanks for your insight!