Peruvian Torch Cactus from seed? first time


Active Member
I ordered some Trichocereus peruvianus seeds online, got them in the mail about a week or two ago. I sowed them onto 50/50 peat moss/perlite mix with rootone powder mixed into the top layer and saran wrap over the top to hold in moisture. They are under a small CFL (not on a timer, i just turn it o in the morning and off at night) and there is a heating pad under the pot and I remove the saran wrap to let them breathe and spray them once every day or two. Some of them are now germinating.

Will post pics later, but how long from germinating do I leave them how they are? Would it be safe to move them into my veg room with my mj? I have two veg rooms right now (one will be bud room in the future but I am just starting back up growing mj), in one room I have a Haight Solid State PPF-800 LED grow light, and in the other room I have 2 400W MHs. Would it be safe to put the baby cacti under the LED light? Any advice would be helpful, I've never grown any cactus from seed before, but I'm excited to see them germinating :D and I still have more seeds just in case I fuck these ones up somehow lol

Here's a link to my mj grow rooms:


Active Member
I have my cacti and palms in the fringes of the HID's under 24 hour, or under clone light (cfl 24 hour) wherever in which room there's space and longer light period. So long as the soil medium for my cactus and palms is much sandier (and thus drains better due to the high sand content than in the mmj medium) they stay green and grow big. Why give half light when 24 hour has no ill effect? Repot as needed, and take cuttings as wanted. San Pedro Cactus is the same case.


Active Member
Sweet thanks for the info :] +rep
So I put them in the fringe of the LED light which is on 24 hours, right next to the new cloning tub I made, posted a new pic of the tub on the other thread. So how long do they need to have the saran wrap on them and when can I separate them into 4-in pots? And is 50/50 peat moss/perlite okay for soil or do I need to put sand in it too? Also there's some green algae growing on the surface of the soil and idk if that's going to be harmful in any way, I'm trying to post pics but my phone is not wanting to email them to me, but I will try to get them on here today.