Pest: Thrips

Im wondering what could be the root to getting thrips in your indoor grow? this is my second run , I never had an issue first time around. Ive been anal when it came to cleanliness, I have not taken any clones from anybody but this time my veg & my flower tent is infested with thrips.Wtf? only thing I could think of is I up potted my clones in my garage cus that's where I keep my bag of soil. Is it possible for thrips to live in dry soil ? Mind you Ive been using the same bag of soil from my first kind of discouraged at this point feel like tossing out everything. Any feedback would be helpful . thanks
Im wondering what could be the root to getting thrips in your indoor grow? this is my second run , I never had an issue first time around. Ive been anal when it came to cleanliness, I have not taken any clones from anybody but this time my veg & my flower tent is infested with thrips.Wtf? only thing I could think of is I up potted my clones in my garage cus that's where I keep my bag of soil. Is it possible for thrips to live in dry soil ? Mind you Ive been using the same bag of soil from my first kind of discouraged at this point feel like tossing out everything. Any feedback would be helpful . thanks
I have had thrips in the past and I contribute it to the exhaust hose going out the window. I did not have a sufficient
Most of the time, thrips will come in on the leaves of houseplants that spent the summer outdoors, or when you bring home a new indoor plant from the store. Since they are a very common garden pest, thrips could also hitch a ride inside on cut flower or veggies that you bring in from the garden

When it comes to thrips sometimes the best option is to fight fire with fire; these insects are predators and they're one of the most recommended methods of fighting them off without needing to use any products; it's a great way to easily and viciously get rid of all thrips on your cannabis plants
I got thrips this summer after putting my plants outside in the sun during the day. The first spray I tried, with pyrethrin, killed the thrips but fried the leaves. I then tried spinosoad soap, that worked well but by that time the thrips had infected the plants with powdery mildew. At that point, I threw everything out, cleaned and started over from seed.
yellow sticky traps work well too, but preditor mites are your best bet, they are the same ones you use for spidermites
I got thrips this summer after putting my plants outside in the sun during the day. The first spray I tried, with pyrethrin, killed the thrips but fried the leaves. I then tried spinosoad soap, that worked well but by that time the thrips had infected the plants with powdery mildew. At that point, I threw everything out, cleaned and started over from seed.
Lol. Wait, thrips causes PM?
I know anything damaging the plants health can make it more susceptible to disease but never heard of them causing pm
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Lol. Wait, thrips causes PM?
The CAUSE of powdery mildew is fungi.

The fungi are SPREAD by many vectors, one of which are insects, including thrips:

Cause and Effect – Powdery mildew fungi seem to be everywhere. They overwinter in plant debris, and begin producing spores in the spring. These spores are carried to our plants by wind, birds, insects, and splashing water. (continued...)

I have no doubt I got PM from the thrips - I've never had it before (thrips), and it is gone now.
Another often over looked Avenue for thrips entering your grow room is hitching a ride on you or pets that you have or let around your grow space.

This stuff works. Harmless to humans and animals. Not chemical at all. Works and works quickly. Also available as a wettable powder. I use the powder. 1-1/2 teaspoons in a gallon of water and add a drop or two of dishwashing liquid soap.

This stuff works. Harmless to humans and animals. Not chemical at all. Works and works quickly. Also available as a wettable powder. I use the powder. 1-1/2 teaspoons in a gallon of water and add a drop or two of dishwashing liquid soap.
I've been using BTi, it seems to be working. This looks like another bacteria. Do you use as a root soak or foliage spray? The instructions seem to be for foliar spray. Thank you.

Edit to add: I just looked at the price, haha, $90 per quart or $82 per 1 pound on Amazon, it might be enough to last forever but way too much $ for me, thank you.
I've been using BTi, it seems to be working. This looks like another bacteria. Do you use as a root soak or foliage spray? The instructions seem to be for foliar spray. Thank you.

Edit to add: I just looked at the price, haha, $90 per quart or $82 per 1 pound on Amazon, it might be enough to last forever but way too much $ for me, thank you.
1/4 teaspoon in a 2 liter spray bottle. Yeah it's expensive as hell but it works extremely well on soft bodied insects. Spider mites I don't know about personally. But thrips and aphids go adios quick.
Thrips live outside, and in bags of soils...anytime you go outside you can bring thrips in. Same with your soil. Garage or outside are good marks for transmission.

Identify the thrips, western flower thrips easy ..tobacco thrips not as much
1/4 teaspoon in a 2 liter spray bottle. Yeah it's expensive as hell but it works extremely well on soft bodied insects. Spider mites I don't know about personally. But thrips and aphids go adios quick.
Oh, okay, that makes sense, I used a spinosad soap foliar spray for thrips that worked pretty well. Thanks again!
Thrips live outside, and in bags of soils...anytime you go outside you can bring thrips in. Same with your soil. Garage or outside are good marks for transmission.

Identify the thrips, western flower thrips easy ..tobacco thrips not as much
I only got thrips leaving the veg plants outside last summer, it was over 90 degrees and too hot in the tent. Next time they stay inside the window, not going outside again, not worth it!