
New weed grower

Well-Known Member
I have a fair few little flies hanging around the soil, they don't seem to have any interest in the actual plant just the soil. So here's a picture can anyone tell me what it is and how to get rid of the horrible little things. 20220514_103948.jpg
I have a fair few little flies hanging around the soil, they don't seem to have any interest in the actual plant just the soil. So here's a picture can anyone tell me what it is and how to get rid of the horrible little things. View attachment 5133163
You need to look at the merged/separated thorax and wing length to determine the bug you are battling. Can't see enough detail to call it in that one photo, although it looks like a fly rather than aphid

Have to break the cycle, keep them from coming back a week later and laying eggs again
Some things that have worked for me in coco for fungus gnats:
  • A small amount of hydrogen peroxide in with the nutes. Extremely effective.
  • Mosquito dunks dissolved in nutes. Takes time to work and needs to be reapplied. Organic.
  • I'm pretty sure I used Spinosad once years ago and it was effective. Pretty sure it's organic too.