petition to reform medical marijuana laws nationwide. Sign & make a difference today

This is a petition to reform medical marijuana laws in all states. Sign the petition and be heard. Every signle vote makes a difference. 5000 signatures will get obama to read the petition personally and make a CHANGE as he once said. Thank you everyone. The petition is on the following link

Share this link with your friends on twitter & facebook. Help us reach our goal of 5000 signatures. Make a difference Today!!!


Well-Known Member
Unfortunately the U.S Constitution does not support popular referendum on a federal level. Only 29 states' constitutions allow it but not all of them have provisions to keep our elected officials from either severely handicapping or nullifying these referendums.

Close the loopholes in each individual state constitution, push the arrogant bastards who challenge popular referendums out of office, add a few more states to the list (2/3 of the majority total) and THEN we can talk changing things for once and for all and put the power of the people back into the hands of all American citizens. We are the government by law. Vote and protect your rights or continue to sit on your butts and loose everything.

Who knows, being a politician may become more honorable than being a prostitute yet!
can you sign your signature more than once? if so i'll sign both, if not i'll help the guy who needs it most. no offence to anyone