Pets are they apart of your session?


Well-Known Member
Do you guys get your pets high how do they act I had a bird who got high and could not fly straight for shit I guess you would say he could have got an fwi flying while intoxicated and my cat just looks at me stupidly


New Member
naw my dog is dingy enough n afraid of her own shawdow, i couldnt imagine gettin her stoned.. she'd really be fuckin


Well-Known Member
i have a siberian husky that loves gettin fried

Me too!!!

I'm pretty sure she was a pot head when my neighbor
gave her to us though.

lol. everytime i blaze in my car, she comes to the side
of the yard where I park and sits there and waits
until i pass her a few hits. its funny she doesn't walk away like

my pitt. she just sits....and bongsmilie


too bad I'm sober...



Well-Known Member
naw my dog is dingy enough n afraid of her own shawdow, i couldnt imagine gettin her stoned.. she'd really be fuckin
I Knew a dog like this she ran around in circles all day she had a d d we never got her high but I might have helped her who knows


Well-Known Member
Hey purplek how have things been
ok. a bit sucky.


goddamn college site is being gay
so I can't even finish filling out my

papers for financial aid.


been doing a lot of baby sitting this past week.
gotta love little babies. they're the cutest when they're

not running around screaming. :lol:

I need a :joint:

how have you been?


Well-Known Member
Whenever I smoke outside I get the lizards high. One actually stayed at my outside smoking table for several weeks and I got him high everyday.

Not trying to be a buzz kill but on a side note please do not get birds high, their lungs are different than other animals which makes them extremely sensitive to smoke to the point where inhaling a small amount can be fatal.


Well-Known Member
really no shit how you know this and purplek sorry to hear u have no smoke I am going through the same thing well hope you catch a buzz soon


Active Member
When i grew up my moms cat used to come running to the sound of a lighter he loved to sit next to me and get facefulls of smoke.


Well-Known Member
Whenever I smoke outside I get the lizards high. One actually stayed at my outside smoking table for several weeks and I got him high everyday.

Not trying to be a buzz kill but on a side note please do not get birds high, their lungs are different than other animals which makes them extremely sensitive to smoke to the point where inhaling a small amount can be fatal.
oh shit. i was gettin a parrot high....

didn't seem to hurt him. everytime I blazed him out
10 min later he would start talking and laughing.

its so funny.

it would sit there for 30 min talking saying "buddy bird!!!, hello,

really no shit how you know this and purplek sorry to hear u have no smoke I am going through the same thing well hope you catch a buzz soon
nah, gettin clean so I can finish up a class at school and apply
for a job. too broke to get synthetic urine. :lol:

When i grew up my moms cat used to come running to the sound of a lighter he loved to sit next to me and get facefulls of smoke.
My kitty died! Wish I could have gotten him blazed, but I wasn't
smoking regulary when I had him.


Well-Known Member
really no shit how you know this and purplek sorry to hear u have no smoke I am going through the same thing well hope you catch a buzz soon
The airflow in a bird's lungs is considered undirectional because there are sac which regulate what is inhaled before it enters the lungs, which gives birds a much higher pure oxygen concentration in their lungs. Mammals air flow is bidirectional because our air is moving back and forth in and out of the lungs unregulated. The sacs birds have hold the air prior to it entering the lungs so any smoke they inhale is not exhaled immediatley, it travels between each sack before entering the lungs.


Well-Known Member
I'll admit it, I've shotgunned my dog before. Nothing weird about it. I'd still never accept a shotgun from a dude, that's gay as hell.


Well-Known Member
I had a baby monitor lizard I got him baked although he never really did much high or sober he just sat their wrong animal to get high


Well-Known Member
I get my dogs high. They seem to like it. Whenever I toke they come over and sit around and sniff up in the air when I exhale.

One rolls on her back and just lays and like she's really baked and the other, which is very picky about his food, just pigs out like he hasn't eaten in a week.


Well-Known Member
Whenever I smoke outside I get the lizards high. One actually stayed at my outside smoking table for several weeks and I got him high everyday.

Not trying to be a buzz kill but on a side note please do not get birds high, their lungs are different than other animals which makes them extremely sensitive to smoke to the point where inhaling a small amount can be fatal.
All I took from that is pass the bird a vape bag.