PGR noob

i just received shipment of triacontanol, brassinolide, IBA, 6BAP and i have no idea how to use them, if i can use them together ? what is better foiler or watering? i have seen here and and many places crossed information and i would love to hear you tips how to use this metirals
@Roger A. Shrubber can you share some of your wisdom?
Kidding right? PGR's are some seriously potent shit, like 0.01 ppm or its overdose so can you achieve this?

triacontanol can be sprayed weekly at above ppm and is good overall and is natural beeswax, the rest is plant hormones below except cytokinin whick is crustacean shells with a similar molecule to fungi :

brassinolide will stretch plant / spray twice in veg ONLY

IBA is Auxin for roots so spray 1 or 2 times in veg

6BAP synthetic cytokinin and will bush plant out in veg, spray 1 or 2 times in veg
i have read online that i can be okay to spray from 1ppm to 15ppm, can it cuse damage to spary more then 1 ppm of triacontanol ? can you be more spesific about the dosage of the other pgrs ?
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Do you even know what all that stuff is used for? If you're going to use that stuff which you shouldn't then you better put some time aside and do some research. You should have gotten instruction for mixing different strengths. If you start spraying stuff without an understanding of what you're doing and why you're going to end up screwing up your plants.

I wouldn't spray any of what you have on my plants. I would use the IBA to make my own cloning solution but that's it.

It sounds like you think you've found a shortcut to big yields of good pot but that can be had without any of that stuff. You're going down the wrong path. I've experimented with several of those in the past. I see you don't have any Ga3 or paclobutrazol. Get some of that and spray away. Have fun.
Do you even know what all that stuff is used for? If you're going to use that stuff which you shouldn't then you better put some time aside and do some research. You should have gotten instruction for mixing different strengths. If you start spraying stuff without an understanding of what you're doing and why you're going to end up screwing up your plants.

I wouldn't spray any of what you have on my plants. I would use the IBA to make my own cloning solution but that's it.

It sounds like you think you've found a shortcut to big yields of good pot but that can be had without any of that stuff. You're going down the wrong path. I've experimented with several of those in the past. I see you don't have any Ga3 or paclobutrazol. Get some of that and spray away. Have fun.
actully i have paclobutrazol and daminozide if you have , more info about them and cannabis i would love to hear
actully i have paclobutrazol and daminozide if you have , more info about them and cannabis i would love to hear

How am I not surprised.

I'm not going to help anyone use that crap on their cannabis. If you want to use it then do the damn research yourself. There is plenty of information online.

Good grief.
Hes Isreali you think he likes us, fooling yourself, that shits flowing west to England and USA and Canada. Fuck you and your hormones and pgrs. Drink it youll like it.
The enemy of you and l will ask us to kill ourselves. And were so fucking blind well do it. I am really starting to hate this world. I need to move more north, before the invasion. You get it right? He comes on site, you give good info, he tripples it and sends it to your city.
How am I not surprised.

I'm not going to help anyone use that crap on their cannabis. If you want to use it then do the damn research yourself. There is plenty of information online.

Good grief.
Actually i never used them or any pgr before just try to gather some knowledge about this compnods and the right way to use them
i have read online that i can be okay to spray from 1ppm to 15ppm, can it cuse damage to spary more then 1 ppm of triacontanol ? can you be more spesific about the dosage of the other pgrs ?
If you don't know what you're doing then you are crazy fucking with PGR's, 15ppm and the retarded state of the plant would heartbreaking
The enemy of you and l will ask us to kill ourselves. And were so fucking blind well do it. I am really starting to hate this world. I need to move more north, before the invasion. You get it right? He comes on site, you give good info, he tripples it and sends it to your city.
Dude chill the fuck out please..
It dosent seem you are experienced with advanced agro techniques what is your opinion about co2 enrichment?
Actually i never used them or any pgr before just try to gather some knowledge about this compnods and the right way to use them
Well you can start by not using anything only intended for ornaments and trees and proven carcinogenic. First you do the research, otherwise you come out as a complete fool tbh asking all these questions. Take your f-ing responsibility, end of story.