PH Balancing your water?


Well-Known Member
I pH, as soon as it comes out of the tap... So before I use nutrients... Its the water I'm trying to stabilize, not the nutrient solution... :-)


Well-Known Member
i check my ph of the water before i add anything to it.
Then i add my nutes to my desired EC level then check my ph and adjust if needed.



Medical Marijuana (MOD)
I pH, as soon as it comes out of the tap... So before I use nutrients... Its the water I'm trying to stabilize, not the nutrient solution... :-)
wrong.. after you mix up your nutes..., when u add your nutes its going to change the ph, pending on the nutes you use..i don't have to adjust my veg nutes as when i add to the water that is a tad acidy it will bring it up were it needs to be.. but when i mix my bloom nutes up it goes way high so then i adjust the ph..

if you adjust your water 1st, most of the time your going to have to adjust again.. 90% of the time


Well-Known Member
wrong.. after you mix up your nutes..., when u add your nutes its going to change the ph, pending on the nutes you use..i don't have to adjust my veg nutes as when i add to the water that is a tad acidy it will bring it up were it needs to be.. but when i mix my bloom nutes up it goes way high so then i adjust the ph..

if you adjust your water 1st, most of the time your going to have to adjust again.. 90% of the time


Well-Known Member
I pH, as soon as it comes out of the tap... So before I use nutrients... Its the water I'm trying to stabilize, not the nutrient solution... :-)
i cannot believe you do this.

if you add nutes your ph will drop and any small exposure of nutes to a ph4 will cause some elements to precipitate out of your solution rendering them useless to your plants .

Do you suffer with deficiencies laceygirl??? this could be why.



Medical Marijuana (MOD)
I pH, as soon as it comes out of the tap... So before I use nutrients... Its the water I'm trying to stabilize, not the nutrient solution... :-)
funny funny little girl.. sorry but your way of course, but we can help get you on the right road, no worries girl its all good..


I've heard of people PH balancing the water first, so you're adding your Nutes to a nice PH balanced water, then let it sit for a while after the Nutes have been added, then check PH again, and adjust as needed. Does PH adjusting before adding nutrients have any effect on the Nutrients themselves? Or is this a wasted step and should I just PH after Nutes added? Thanks


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
i've heard of people ph balancing the water first, so you're adding your nutes to a nice ph balanced water, then let it sit for a while after the nutes have been added, then check ph again, and adjust as needed. Does ph adjusting before adding nutrients have any effect on the nutrients themselves? Or is this a wasted step and should i just ph after nutes added? Thanks
this is the wrong way....


Well-Known Member
wasted step ph after nutes. unless you are ph'ing the water for a plain ph'd watering with no nutes.

most nutes make your ph fall so lets say

water ph 7.4 before nutes

you adjust it to 6 before nutes

then add your nutes

ph willl probably be around 5

any off measurements and it accidentally drops to ph4 you might aswell make a new batch.

as stated earlier about precipitation of minerals at that ph level.
