Well-Known Member
Where do I begin... Last week I filled a 5 gal bucket with 4 gals of water from tap. No Idea at the time my ph or ppm until 2 days ago. I had a ph pen and a ppm pen from a grow I did a few years ago but as of writing this I havent came across yet, I also had a nutradip trimeter I picked up a few years ago but never used. And reciently I was able to get a good deal on an ebay auction on another nutradip trimeter with cal solutions. So I open the old meter and find the ph probe with a dried out storage tip but still tried to see if it worked ok. I hook it all up and drop the probes in the bucket and a few air stones and circulation pump, now i let the probes sit for a few hours and then i calibrate the ph and the ppm and after calibrating i see after a week of just plain tap water in the bucket for a week my ph was at 7.4 and ppm at 160. I add some general hydroponcs ph downand see the ph drop to 4.6 i let it sit for 15 minutes and see ph is at 4.8 so i add some ph up and see reading of 5.8. now over the next few days i see the ph rising 1/10th a point every 3 hours. so 2 days after calibration after getting the ph to 5.8 and seeming steady 2 days later nothing added ph is reading 6.8. So i decided to change out the the new ph prob with the old one and i should note this new one seems properly wet and i see an improved cap for the newer probe, the old probe had a silicone cap that must have lost its wet seal over the years. so even after replacing the ph probe with a supposedly new one, I recalibrate and stick it in the bucket and the ph is still rising. so I said lets try a fresh bucket so i draw another bucket of tap water let it sit overnight and i also switched out the old meter with the newer meter and ppm probe so now were running the new meter and probes. I reran all the calibrations and after that i adjusted the ph down to 5.9 so now we see if the ph will stay at 5.9 or what will it jump to.
So after reading all that can anybody suggest what i can do if the ph starts rising again??? I am thinking the nutradip trimeter is not the most reliable of meters and mabey i should try the bluelab combo meter i been hearing about?
So after reading all that can anybody suggest what i can do if the ph starts rising again??? I am thinking the nutradip trimeter is not the most reliable of meters and mabey i should try the bluelab combo meter i been hearing about?