Ph matter in organics?


Well-Known Member
Just wondering if regulating ph comes handy when starting your organic supersoil you made? I found my soil a bit alkaline at aroumd 7.5 so can the microbes even it out, i use 6.5 ph water.. basically does testing my ph matter as much as i been told when it to pure living soil
Sounds good appreciate the help, i took soil samples anyways and found most soil batches mixed in native soil is acidic between 6-6.5 most likely, and a couple batches not mixed with native soil came out more green colores but not very dark which showed around a neutral 7 on the chart, this is ideal starting ph for pot eh? I know organics and using microbes i dont need to worry as much but thought checking never hurts...
Only issue is my leaves are looking a lil dry curly and not as nice as before i put them outside.. we have acidic rain in our province also.. could that have done that
One question also, my organic all purpose has oyster shell in it, but should i also add a bit of lime to the acidic soils incase the acidic rain drops it too much, i use freshwater from a lake thats 6.5ph all round pretty well as its large body of water, should i also add lime to my neutral soil or could it rise it too much.
don't add lime, it will raise ph. Ask your self why you are adding it the see if you should or shouldn't there are other sources of calcium that don't have carbonate that raises ph.

6.5 water and 6.5-7.0 ph range for your soil is good
With a good organic soil it's not needed. As organic matter decays it creates ions that buffer pH.

As soil dries the ph swings to allow proper nutrient uptake.
Ill let microbes and composts do the work this year then, its mixed in with native soil and promix and just organic all purpose feed that just has a blend of many items, most the soil has that 6.5-7 ph so think ill be fine without any more testings being dont need to worry as much as i expected
Giving gaia green tomato supreme a try also this year as its just fish meal, kelp, blood meal, and humates so sounded like a good mix