pH problem, nute burn, or something else? Hydroponic

Charlie Rogers

Active Member
Hey guys. So I'm at about week 6 in my first grow and am running a homemade ebb and flow hydroponic system. I'm growing a couple different auto flowering strains and they all have been doing very well. My setup includes a 400watt hps as well as an exhaust system.

I just changed out my reservoir (20 gallon) two days ago, I'm in the transition phase of general hydroponics flora series nutrients. A day after this change I noticed some leaves began to show some spots. After checking the ph, I realized it was a bit low, around 5 and I have since fixed it. I'm not sure though if the leaf spots were caused strictly by ph or if it is a case of nutrient burn or some deficiency.
my temps stay below 85 when the light is on also.

Let me know what you all think. All input is welcome

