pH problem or a deficency? Getting worse!


Hey everyone,

I have a problem with my plants that seems to be getting worse. The leaves are spotting and turning brown, sometimes black, and drying up.

I have about 2 more weeks I think and I'm worried.



Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
There are a couple deficiencies showing there. Have you tested the soil Ph? Either you need just more of all nutrients or the Ph is off. Only one way to know for sure.


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone,

I have a problem with my plants that seems to be getting worse. The leaves are spotting and turning brown, sometimes black, and drying up.

I have about 2 more weeks I think and I'm worried.

its an easy one, MOVE YOUR LIGHT UP !,notice how the majority of leaf burn is high on the plant. If not corrected you will burn the bud too.


Well-Known Member
PH looks off my plant did the same thing my meter was reading 5.8 when it was really 4.0! I have since corrected it, like minutes ago... but not sure on if the plant will recover. I have lost A LOT of leaves as well I too have 2 weeks left, I am crossing my fingers she will make it! Also have one 5-6 weeks out that I am VERY concerned about


Well-Known Member
its an easy one, MOVE YOUR LIGHT UP !,notice how the majority of leaf burn is high on the plant. If not corrected you will burn the bud too.
The majority looks to be on the main cola, but I did she some yellow leaves near the lower canopy too, granted he is late into flower so yellowing is normal.

I just had issues with my meter so check that first, raising light will help too I agree tips look curled up because of heat


Hey thanks for the replies.
@Mother's Finest: I don't know what the pH is I haven't checked this entire grow. I know I should have but didn't have testing kit available; this will change though.

@BUDS: I don't think the lights are too low considering lots of the browning started lower on the plants and moved upward. One plant started off first then spread to the leaves on the main cola. Another plant just started browning (pic 2,3) the other day. My last plant is doing very very well and I have used the same water on all plants. The seeds are unknown strain and genetics; maybe the browning plants just have poor genetics.

@ Weedler: I'll have to get a ph kit and test the run off water. I hope your plants pull through :) Maybe BUDS is right most of my leaf tips are burnt at the tips. I'll move the lights up a bit and see. Just wanted to get as many lumens as possible from my cool CFLs


Active Member
Wow, I just went into my grow room and one of my TW looks exactly like this. Did what I could, changed the water, added nutes at 400ppm less than what it was at and crossing my fingers.

Hope it lives! (Both of ours! )