ph question and pic of my sad plant

. i just learned that ph is a factor, so i went to wal mart and got the only tester i could find (nothing in garden, but they had one in pool) the water from tap seemed to be between 7.5-8. should i be looking into some sort of kit to change my water?. ive never attempted any sort of garden, so im not sure how the water effects the plants here. my clone is Banana Kush and is in a 5gal pot outside it is about 18"tall and is in organic miracle grow with perlite. (i know i mentioned it in my first post, but there may be new eyes on this one.)

the pic shows what she looks like today (6 days since potting 5 days since doggy dig up), ive removed all the completely dead leaves and stems

if she bounces back im changng her name from "banana kush" to "cbc (charlie browns christmas) Kush"

i wish i would have found this site before i potted my plant, totally put the cart before the horse on this one



Well-Known Member
Your tap water is fine. You NEED to hit a hydro shop and get a Ph meter. The pool one wont cut it. You need to fill up a couple clean containers(I use milk Jugs) with tap water and let them sit for min 24hours I do 48 hours. This allows the chlorine to dissolve. Once you have two or three of these ready to go. you need to test your waters ph, for Soil you want the water going in to be around-6.5-6.9 is what I shoot for, 7.0 in neutral. Home water remedies.. Ph up-Baking Soda,,, Ph-down Vinager... Once you get all your water(in the containers) Ph'd, you need to flush atleast 3 gallons of correct Ph water through your soil. Your problem will correct it's self with time.. be patient.. DON'T test your soil run off because you'll be running in circles... Good Luck!


Well-Known Member
well for myself I wouldn't put all 3 gallons at once you would probably end up overwatering ur plant, another thing you can do, it is something that you wanna normally do when growing in soil is get some dolamite lime it will help control your ph level if it is too acidic, and adds calcium and magnesium to the soil as well, another source of cheap calcium for ur plant is to just crush up some egg shells and sprinkle em over the soil. but check ur ph so u know for sure if u need to add acid or base.