PH question re run-off ph


Hello folks,

I know this has been gone over quite a bit but i find so many mixed views on the importance and even how to check soil ph and runoff ph so i thought id ask again.

My girls are in week 1 of flowering a looking quite nice the biggest of them all went a dark green though so assuming N toxicity i decided to do a flush today and flushed her with PH 7 water before things get ugly, great time for a run-off test!

So my water going in is Volvic bottled water (PH7 perfect, tested many times) and i used no nutes in the flush at all as the water does contain a very small amount of NPK, enough for the time being.

I used a digital ph meter (calibrated this morning before test) my run-off PH came out at 5.5.

So 7 going in, 5.5 going out, but doesnt that make my soil PH somewhere around the 4.5-5 area? also meaning too low for a dirty grow?

Like i said plants are healthy some lovely hairs forming all over the bud areas but i have had this sudden N toxicity when i flipped to 12/12 but that could be down to the plant needing alot less N than when it was in veg?

a little info.

15L Pots, MG Compost 30%, organic potting soil 30%, Perlite 20%, Vermiculite 20% for medium.

600w HPS dual spec

always watered with bottled ph7 water

temps run 75-85 avg around 79-80 most of the time, humidty bounces between 40 and none, i say none because my gauge only reads to 35% and not under

running 12/12 for just over a week now

Anyone knowledgeable on PH that can help me calculate my ph from the 7 in 5.5 out reading and suggest if thats too low or not would be great!

Thanks in advance folks!


Forgot to mention i fert using Advanced Nutes sensi grow/bloom every 2nd watering on half strength (plants never could take any more without initial signs of burn) and i also foliar spray once a week using a nitrozyme solution however im going to stop that after week 2 of flowering finishes.