Ph rising continuously first grow


New Member
I have a two bucket dwc system set up and being my first grow I am learning a lot as I go. However I have ran I to a wall, my plant stopped growing and my ph will rise from 5.5 to above 7 in sometimes as little as 5 hours... I use ro water and have been using the flora series nutes. I am not sure why my ph is fluctuating so much. There's a total of 7 gallons of water in my whole system. Thanks for all the help in advance.


New Member
I'm using the flora micro flora bloom and flora gro. Other than that nothing. I have really high iron content water from our well. I do have a whole house iron filter and I also have a big Berkey water filter that we use. In my kitchen I also have a ro system.

I will have to try the calmag. Anything else?


New Member
Is the botanicare calmag plus alright? I will have to order it.

So fill the res adjust ph then add the calmag and nuted after that?


Well-Known Member
Yes and alot of different companys make calmag suppliments.

I happen to use the general hydroponics - calimagic

Doesnt really matter


150ppm does matter

Major Blazer

Well-Known Member
Don't think you'll be fluctuation free though, since this is your first grow, this is a concept lost on a lot of new growers. If your system is recirculating at all, you will have pH flections. projectinfo is 100% - RO water (in regard to pH fluction) is more difficult and adding the cal mag (which goes in first btw, unless you use silica which would be the only nutrient to go in sooner) will help, but as your plants will consume more water than nutrient generally so you will experience fluctuations by virtue of that fact alone. This is one reason people love DTW systems over any type of recirculating system. Oh and if you had to add ph up after you've added down (or visa versa), start over and get it right the first time - stability will never be right in a ph war.


Well-Known Member

Heres more shit to confuse you , like he said. You will fluctuate. Youll go nuts trying to keep ypu ph perfect.

I usually start at 6 and rise up to 7 ish then il lower it back down ,

Theres alot to learn about controlling your environment to make your plants drink more or eat more or less.

But basically buy a ph pen and a ppm meter and keep them in range.

I usually only have to add ph down the first day , maybe a bit the second day . But itll stabiloze if you dont have any problems or algaes or a list of other things that could go wrong

Youll learn through experience . Like the rest of us


Well-Known Member
Ps. if you lower humidity you plants drink more because of the suction effect your plant does when the air is dryer they sucks more through it roots.

When its super humid like 70% for clones /veg they drink more through their leaves. This is important when you take clones and they dont have roots yet. They need to drink through their leaves.

Major Blazer

Well-Known Member
I've never seen a nice concise chart like that - I always went by feel and have a good idea what's up these days but that thing is awesome!