PH Up coating everything in white powder

Hi guys. (Uk grower here)

Growing in coco, feeding Canna Coco A&B.

I use a 100 litre water butt for my feed reserve with a pump in the bottom to circulate the mix.
A wall mounted EC, Temp and PH meter takes care of the figures and everything works well.
Then its tapped off into a watering can and fed to the plants.

As the mix is acidic using Canna I add PH up to keep it around ph 5.5 min and 6.2 max
Everything has been hunky dory for the last year.

Normally use "Hydroponic PH up" but last time I ordered they didn't have it in stock and we got "Essentials PH up" instead.
Then I noticed when cleaning the butt out between grows a white residue at the bottom.
If you stir it up it makes the water Ph change dramatically. I am guessing that this is maybe deposited calcium?
It coats the sensors and I have to keep cleaning them or they won't read correctly.

Have any of you come across anything like this before? I thought PH up was all the same.

I have read about using Borax as a PH up substitute, any thoughts or history?
While Canna works well I feel its more geared towards commercial growers, i.e. tomatoes, marrows etc and they never actually say it's for growing weed.
Is there any benefit to changing to a purpose made weed growing feed? I'd prefer a single feed as opposed to a two part mix and wonder what works for you guys?

What are your views on reusing the feed once its run off into the reservoir?
I've always pumped half of it back into the butt and topped up with fresh water and not had any problems usually getting between 4 and 4.5oz per plant dry weight (indicas, keira white thunder) which I don't think is too shabby for a cellar grow.

Your thoughts and opinions please