Ph up


New Member
Hi, running an NFT system in a lart of the world where the tap water is really low ppm. (26) this is causing wild swings in ph and i need to increase buffer (never had to do this before as i used to live in a hard water area in city.)

I've read potassium carbonate is the way to go or some kind of silica? But it's not easy to get here ( is there a general brand i can get in a regular store?)

Also.. can i use baking soda or something else readily available as a temporary solution? Right now my tap water comes out at 6.4 and raises to about 7.2 after gassing off for 24hrs .

my nutes lower it drastically to the point where i cant give the required ppm ( currently ppm 150 with freshly transplanted seedlings into NFT system)

I can get potassium hydroxide .. Is this a good option?
. thank you for any advice... im bot new to this but this new area of the world has given me some new problems


Well-Known Member
Its normal with any water to go to 7+ because it interacts with carbon diokside co2 in the air we breath

Baking soda is ph+ you need potasium somezhing general hydroponic sells a powder its called ph- 20$ 1kg, 1g for 6L

Silica is allsoo a ph+ but problem with silica is that plants want small amounts.if you overdoo it it shows no signs but your tree loses power to holditselfe( funny since its used to give the oposite effect)

Temporary solutions are lemons( good for 24h) or viniger


Well-Known Member
Agri-Fos/ Garden-Fos is sold around the world as a systemic fungicide, but it's phosphorous acid.

potassium phosphite will bring the ph up, pretty stable and induces systemic resistance in plants.

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