Ph water for soil


Do I have this right? You need to ph your water after you mix the nutes in according to the soil ph. If the soil ph is high the ph of the water should be low to lower the soil ph and vice versa. So if your soil is ph in the good zone,6.2-6.9, you should ph your water between 6.2 to 6.9 to keep it there. Am I right? :confused:


I consider my self to be still new at this as well, and I always check my run off after watering to check ph level, then I can kind of judge which way to go when I water my girls the next time. But what you posted sounds like your on the right track....


Well-Known Member
You can have around 6.0-6.7 i think, but most plants like acidic soil and water. My tap water come out at 6.5, and after i add nutrients it turns to about 6.0. Soil is usually at around 6.5 when i water it.