PH your water EVERY watering??


Well-Known Member
So how do you guys (soil growers/tap water users) handle the ph of your water? I store my water in old soft drink bottles and adjust ph accordingly every water. After i water i fill the bottles up and let them sit for the next time. This is startin to annoy me.

Do you guys fill up a resovoir, PH it, and just take your water from there? I currently have 5 in flower using full strength nutes in soil, and 2 seeds i just put in the veg cupboard in coco. So the balancing of the solutions is going to be completely different.

So i guess what im asking is, how do you handle your watering scheduale? With or without plants in different stages of growth. I hope im makin sense!!



Well-Known Member
No, u check the PH in the soil after watering/feeding then adjust accordingly with ph up and ph down for plants. Also re calibrate the meter at least once a week.


Active Member
I do the same as yourself with jugs instead of bottles to let chlorine etc and all the other shit i don't want in my water evaporate........i'm still a newbie too only my 2nd grow but although time consuming seems to wok for me,i'm still lookin for other solutions cause i don't have space to have a reservoir of water.....


Well-Known Member
since my tap water is not extreme, I let it sit in a milk jug for a few days and check PH of my soil after 2 weeks, again when I switch to flower and about 3 weeks b4 harvest. Dolimite lime in the soil will buffer all but the most extreme PH problems


Well-Known Member
Well, I just fill up my 2 gal. watering can and adjust the PH, then water. I can count on my tap water being an 8.0 PH and I adjust it to around 6.8. Then I water my plants. It works well for me...


Well-Known Member
I don't really recommend this but if you add lime to your soil before hand then you don't have to worry about ph'ing your water.. But to be on the safe side you should always check it (i do) but honestly it's not necessary when using lime..


Well-Known Member
on my first successful grow i didnt check the ph at all..but i guess we have really good tap water here..everything turned out fine..but if my water was shit i would ph it every time.


Well-Known Member
I have 0 experience with coco, so no help there.

Close to 40 years experience with soil, actually a soilless peat based mix that I make myself.

I add lime to the mix and do not pH anything and for the most part use straight tap water.

You can make growing as simple or as complicated as you wish. I go for simple.


Pat Man

Active Member
Same as above man...every grow I have just filled a gallon jug, let it sit over night or 2, add nutes and pH that bitch. Never had a problem with pH and I never checked the pH of my soil or run-off water...maybe thats bad but I've been alright. The one time I had a pH problem was when I let my gallon jug with molasses in it for flowering sit too long, the sugar spoiling or whatever it did left the jug pretty acidic