Phat Gary, Yaaas Betch, Sherb N Sour and Sherbadelic


Well-Known Member
Grabbed the Power Sherb Pack from Exotic Genetix - soaked 4 seeds of Phat Gary and Yaass Bitch in water overnight, moved to paper towels this morning. Planning on using Promix BX this grow with some worm castings instead of FFOF. Will update as things progress. Very excited for this grow!
I bought a second 20 site OxyCloner so I can pheno hunt this pack - going to be fun!


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Seems like these seeds are very slow to germinate for me. I've started the last 2 in the packs to hopefully be able to get some viable seedlings here. The first PG has sprouted and is doing well. The 2nd broke surface but doesn't look amazing. 2 of the YB grew some tails so they went into soil, I put the other 2 in soil after 6 days in the paper towel to give them a shot in nature.
Didn't really want to pop all 6 seeds per pack, but I'd like to have 4 per tent, and I'm a bit concerned at this point that something is going on.
Well, I fucked up my germination on half of the seeds. What a bummer :(
Got 3 Phat Gary and 2 YB to sprout. What a fucking idiot. Oh well - always clones :)
Trying 3 Sherb N' Sour now in the paper towel to make it an even 8 in the tent.
Soak the girls for 24 hours, this way is 100% retard proof lol



Dem feels.
The first batch I did soak for 24 hours in a cup before I did the paper towel (that's what I've always done before) - but 4 out of the 6 didn't take in the paper towel when I swapped them over. I messaged the grower - he said to follow his method exact.
The first batch I did soak for 24 hours in a cup before I did the paper towel (that's what I've always done before) - but 4 out of the 6 didn't take in the paper towel when I swapped them over. I messaged the grower - he said to follow his method exact.
Out of curiosity, what is his method?
Out of curiosity, what is his method?
There are many different ways to germinate seeds. My personal favorite, and most dependable method of choice, is a good ol moist paper towel inside of a zip lock baggie. This method is very hard to screw up and has proven to be a go to for me over my years popping seeds. Let’s get started.... Step 1 : The first thing you will need to do is moisten a square sheet of paper towel with tap water. Step 2 : Gently ring the towel out until it is wet but not dripping water everywhere. Step 3 : After you have gotten rid of the excess water, fold the towel in half. On one side of the moistened towel, place your seeds that you would like to germinate. Step 4 : Once the seeds are placed, fold the towel again, this time covering the top of the seeds. This should leave you with a double layer of moist paper towel on each side of the seeds. Step 5 : Place this folded paper towel, with the seeds inside, into an appropriately sized ziplock bag. Note: For many years I just put the paper towel in between two plates but found that sometimes the paper towel would dry out too soon. For this reason, I began using zip lock bags to retain the moisture until the seeds began germinating. Step 6 : Place ziplock bag with its contents into a dark area that maintains 75-78 degrees fahrenheit. Being slightly off these temps is not the end of the world but can cause variations in germination rates and times. Step 7 : After 48-72 hours, open your zip lock bag and unfold your paper towel. You should have little white tails popping out of most, if not all your seeds by this point. If there are some that aren’t quite popped yet, fold the paper towel back over carefully and place back into the bag for another 24-48 hours. Step 8 : At this point you will want to get your desired media in your growing containers and ready to plant your seedlings into. The media should be pre moistened with PH’d water only and. PH the water you are using specific to whichever media you are using. Note: If I’m using pro mix I would PH the water to 6.0, and if I was using rockwool I would PH the water to 5.5. Step 9 : For every seed you will need a ½-3/4” hole in your media of choice. Note: I prefer pro mix, or a peat-based media for seedlings as it is very easy on new development. I do not recommend coco as it is very inert and may even be deficient of basic nutrients a seedling likes and needs. Step 10 : Once you have reached your desired amount of germination, carefully removed each seed, one by one, and place them into the holes you’ve made in your media. Note: I prefer to place my seedlings somewhat sideways into the holes so that the shell is helped off while it’s pushing its way up through the dirt. A lot of times if placed shell up, the seedling gets lazy and doesn’t shed the shell properly. Step 11 : Once all seeds have been placed in the holes, cover them very gently with media not packing too tightly above the seedling. Step 12 : Place planted seedlings under a low intensity light source. Within 1-3 days you should start to see your freshly planted seeds break ground and begin their amazing journey to your next best pheno selection!
Bruh, soak for 24 hours and straight into the medium once the tap root comes out, the hell is the point of using tissues..NONE...ALL these do this and do that just to kill the ladies, unreals ... listen to me and not them ok ? LEGEND
Bruh, soak for 24 hours and straight into the medium once the tap root comes out, the hell is the point of using tissues..NONE...ALL these do this and do that just to kill the ladies, unreals ... listen to me and not them ok ? LEGEND
Maybe I have never soaked long enough but I've never seen a taproot sprout in just water. Do they have to sink for this? Because they always float.
Within 24 hours they will sink, even tap on it and watch..the ones that do float after awhile tend to be duds...leave it in the water till the little white tap root appears then transpant, works every single time Iggy

I use shot glasses and keep water luke warm.

Test it with a bean or two, and thank me later :leaf:
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Within 24 hours they will sink, even tap on it and watch..the ones that do float after awhile tend to be duds...leave it in the water till the little white tap root appears then transpant, works every single time Iggy

I use shot glasses and keep water luke warm.

Test it with a bean or two, and thank me later :leaf:
After 24 hours, two out of 3 of my Sherb N Sour (in paper towels) have taproots, one nothing yet. I popped a 4th in a shot glass as per your method. I'll report back.
Within 24 hours they will sink, even tap on it and watch..the ones that do float after awhile tend to be duds...leave it in the water till the little white tap root appears then transpant, works every single time Iggy

I use shot glasses and keep water luke warm.

Test it with a bean or two, and thank me later :leaf:
Transplant now or wait until it extends a little?


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So, some updates. One of the Phat Gary's and one of the Yaaass Beetch aren't looking great, so I popped two more seeds (Sherbadelic) - paper towel right now. Couple weeks ago I had planted some freebie seeds - 2 Skywalker and 1 Watermelon Zkittlez. After 2 weeks nothing germinated so I dumped the soil into a 5g bucket, which I must have reused for one of the Sherb N Sour seedlings, because today, one extra seedling sprouted!
I repotted it - the root was almost 8" long - it must have been at the bottom of the container and still found a way to the surface. Not knowing what stand it is, I just named her Scully.
Other news - the 2 4x4 tents will now be used as a clone and mother tent - and a second soil (for now) tent.
8 of the initial plants will be going in a 4x8 - with two SE5000's and I will be running autopots.
Lots of exciting changes!


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Glad i found this thread im about to run, som exotic genetix. Ive got Golden Poppy, Sherb and sour and Drip station. Ive just popped the drio station and all 6 seeds popped so no probs there, gonna pop the others tomorrow. Ill post updates of the run beside yours might be able to bounce off each other.
Glad i found this thread im about to run, som exotic genetix. Ive got Golden Poppy, Sherb and sour and Drip station. Ive just popped the drio station and all 6 seeds popped so no probs there, gonna pop the others tomorrow. Ill post updates of the run beside yours might be able to bounce off each other.


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