Philosopher stones


Well-Known Member
So I recently harvested 2.5 lb of fresh truffles. I grew them in a 5 gallon bucket with coco coir. They dried down to 280 grams. That's about a 75% loss in weight. I usually will take 20 grams fresh. Would I only have to do 5 dried? I don't want to give the wrong info to people that want to try them and get them too fucked up. The ones I grew in grain only lost 50%.
Fresh are stronger so dried ul need more google it im sure ul find a decent dosage guide proly on a dutch site
So I recently harvested 2.5 lb of fresh truffles. I grew them in a 5 gallon bucket with coco coir. They dried down to 280 grams. That's about a 75% loss in weight. I usually will take 20 grams fresh. Would I only have to do 5 dried? I don't want to give the wrong info to people that want to try them and get them too fucked up. The ones I grew in grain only lost 50%.
Not sure about dried, but a friend grew some of these and gave them to me fresh. They were great and I didn’t have to go to Amsterdam for them