Phosphorus/Compacted soil problem during flower


Active Member
39 days into flower sensi star ladies

after much debate I believe that i'm having a compacted soil / phosphorus issue with my plants. They have been fed and are in fox farm ocean forest soil so I find it hard to believe that there is no phosphorus available I believe it is being locked out by pH issues or compacted soil. I will test the pH again, 2 days ago readings of 6.4 and 6.0 runoff but what if the issue is compacted soil? Is there any means of correcting this? I have H2O2 with a 3% solution. is there anything I can do?

Please helpPPPPP!!!

Thank you all!



Well-Known Member
Well, one thing a person could do is dig/poke around down into the soil with a bamboo skewer type tool. If you find resistance, just move over a little. Obviously you don't wanta force it thru anything important.

That first pic looks pretty good. I've got a bunch of leaves that look exactly the same. I attribute mine to a massive neems/pyrethrum burn or/and a major nitrogen deficiency.


Well-Known Member
Heck fire!
I'm glad you wrote that . . . was just considering doing so. 30mls. Close call. Thanks BuD. (What happens if you do?)

It basically kills the good and bad micro organisms.

Now, having said that, I have used it in a res that was for a 2 week watering stretch. Needed to keep the water happy, since I wasn't going to be home. But I also didn't use organic nutes the the res either.

Yes Sir

Active Member
Id remove the leaves that are burnt and curled up, if you have about a week or so left before harvesting id just pull the really bad crusty leaves and continue to water with plain h20. Soil compaction isnt going to do that to your plants. just bad for the microbeasties.
Thanks for the forum. Does anyone think this could be the Ph? I am feeding what I consider to be a lot of Bloom and I am still having problems when I get into week 3/4 of flower. 2 batches now, same thing. They go pale green and then start to show signs of not getting Phosphorus. I am using plain water now.....but things don't look good. Thanks

tea tree

Well-Known Member
I would cut off the burned areas not the leaves. The way they are green like that looks like high Ph did for me. At high ph P is ok but N is not I think. But your ph sounds fine. I doubt in fox farms your soil is compacted. It can be felt to be ok and moves at all and is not a rock then it is what fox farms looks like in my grows. But I added more coco worm castings and an organicare aeration mix, so that would explain that. Sorry there. Not much help. Cutting off the burned area has helped me in the past.

What are your nutes? Never feed H202 on soil, I screamed when I read that, jk. Unless you are feeding chem nutes you def need that soil food web. Even if they are chem whatever you have left after your feeds you want for soil overall health.

I have never had this but have read about it. Maybe you have fed too much and have nutrient lockout due to some overfertilztion. A flush is what you might think about, But I have never been here. So what is your nute situation?

Buds look nice tho.