Phosphorus deficiency?


Well-Known Member
Just had a fungus gnat issue so neem oil is in the soil. Not sure if that will effect this. i've been using foxfarm growbig with alternating doses of big bloom. The veg nute is 6-4-4 and the big bloom is 0.01-0.3-0.7. Since the start Ive been keeping track of what goes into the soil. Of course I cant be sure what had already been consumed and in what proportions. The soil ph is fine unless neem oil would effect it in that way, im unaware. Dolomite lime is present. My ratio turns out to be something like this 30-16-22. All plants have been receiving the same nutes but only one plant is showing discoloration, red blade edges, and some yellowing tips. I have the flowering nutes with 2-8-4 so I can easily remedy this if it is a phosphorus def. I want to make sure that this is exactly what is happening. Again, this plant is alone on this one. Is my ratio okay or should I up the phosphorus?IMAG0403.jpgIMAG0404.jpgIMAG0405.jpgIMAG0406.jpg


try flushing them out with water (warm) then slowly build ur nutes back up i.e start lower then the rec dose an work up let the plants show u wat they want and good luck :)


Well-Known Member
there is definitely no toxicity of any kind. The problem is deriving from a lock out of the phosphorus or an unknown variable. All other plants are unaffected and this regimen is my usual, tried and true way. This specific plant is much more genetically diverse, it is the best genetically, and in my opinion the most fragile. The yellowing tips are not nutrient burns. Trust me I know that. There are only a few tips yellowing but not burning, and the yellowing is sporadic in that not all leaves are affected and even if it is only a blade or two are affected, not all. This grow my goal was to keep phosphorus and potash down while keeping high nitrogen. In that process I must have miscalculated.