Pick lower buds first?

I've read a few posts on a couple of different sites where the grower suggests picking the lower buds first so that the plant can then put more focus on the main buds up top and in the middle.

What do you think? Anything to that?


Rebel From The North
well waiting for the buds to produce and then cuting them off isnt going to help increase bud production.
what will is to lolly pop the plant pior to flowering. so trim off all small scappy stuff like leaf and branches,
leaving the large branches on. this will increase flowering on the top of the plant.

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
ive never understood any of this stuff. some say harvest tops so the bottoms get bigger, now harvest bottoms so tops get bigger. i was taught when your plants r ready flush then 24 hour dark period upon trimming. done it that way many of times. so if u take tops first so the bottoms get bigger people turn back on the lights and vice versa. i just dont get it. harvest when ready whole plant


Well-Known Member
I've done both ways (at the same time)... lollipop pruning in veg, then if any little buds show up lower down where they're not going to amount to anything I pinch them off (this is as soon as they show up, not when they've totally developed); and, at times I've harvested the main tops and let lower parts go little longer. (By 'lower parts' I mean just below the main tops, not stuff way down at the bottom - which was already pinched away).

Total Head

Well-Known Member
if there are little wispy buds down below that you don't want the plant to waste energy maturing, the time to cut them off is BEFORE they turn into buds. the plant has already wasted energy if there are formed buds that are just getting cut off. i harvest from the bottom down. when the top is mature, i harvest it, and if there are worthy buds left i just leave them mature.


I can't give you evidence because I've personally never tried it, but I highly doubt picking those small buds would change much at all. I mean they're small buds, the plant puts very little energy into them in comparison with the large top buds anyways. Unless you pick the lower bud sites before they really bud, the plant would probably just use the energy you saved by picking the buds, to repair the damage you caused by picking them off in the first place.