picking a seed


Well-Known Member
what is a good seed not by strain just looking thru seeds what is a seed that you can tell its got a chance of growing.


Well-Known Member
nice dark ones with any kind of stripping pattern on it, but usually rule of thumb is dark ones are the best, another thing you can do also is gently give it a SMALL delicate squeeze to see if its solid or not, bad ones will break immediatly and good ones can take that no problem


Well-Known Member
make sure it's not cracked or wrinkled. black or dark green/striped ones are best. press them between your thumb and finger and make sure it doesn't crack.

scooby doo

Active Member
I always wanted to know that.. so it's the dark stripey one that are the best.. loook like im throwing the rest of my seeds away now then lol :peace: