picking LED grow light

im so stuck in what LED light to choose an im looking for the cheapest way to afford them for a 1.2m x 1.2m tent with 4 plants... looking for around 650w - 820w all in all so would it be better to have 2 350-400w lights or just 1 700-820w light? could have also what should i look for when buying? im stuck between a few brands if you could check them out... also want them for best yields an yes ino hps lights will give better yields but i dont want to use up that much electricity so here goes
photon pro http://www.growlightuk.com/GrowStore/PhotonPro.aspx
helios pro http://www.growlightuk.com/GrowStore/Helios.aspx
evader http://www.growlightuk.com/GrowStore/Helios.aspx
lighthouse hydro chrome http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/135W-UV-Lighthouse-Hydro-BlackStar-LED-Grow-light-3-Watt-3W-Flowering-LEDs-L007-/290950874327?pt=US_Hydroponics&hash=item43be0604d7
any ideas on how much lights enough for maximum yield? an someone give me an answer on which i should buy? any experiences thanks people


Well-Known Member
They all come form the same factory in china and sold under many different names all over the world. The wattage stated(3wx336=1008w) is not the real wattage they pull, it's more like 400w of actual power. At the absolute best you could pull is 1.5g/w with the best led's in the business, and that is a dream that no one has pulled yet. If you are using lower quality like the lights you are looking at, you will be lucky to get 1g/w(crazy lucky). LED's can save power and perform great, but to live up to their hps counterparts, it will take ~65% of the wattage...and once again that is if using the best performing possible. Then there is they other draw back, to use the best it cost a pretty penny.

What are your yield expectation out of your 4x4??

Not every cree is the golden ticket, so what model cree is very important. Companies that use one low performing cree in a array with 200 even lower performing diodes is just another marketing play.


Well-Known Member
You expectations are realistic...wish more were like you.

Check into Vipar led...they are a european company(I am guessing you're in EU?) that has a good reputation for what they are(really similar to the photon pros you linked).
I would get the biggest light you are comfortable getting and running. There isn't an led out that is too big/powerful for a 4x4. Amount of light has the greatest correlation with yield of anything you can give a plant. More light=more yield. Things like adding nutes won't do anything if there is no light to drive photosynthesis to use them.
ive looked at them previous but the highest one is 400w so would 2 of them be enough? im just wonderig how much wattage would be optimal for each plant eg 200w each? i understand that light is a very important factor just would like to know which would be best suited for 4 plants in that size tent thanks man


Well-Known Member
200w per plant of real wattage draw is great. 2 lights would cover the area way better than one.

Green Thumb MN

Active Member
I would look at 4 smaller lights.

Easier to get even coverage, adjust height above each plant.

I have 2 lights rated at 240watts.
They actually use 150-185 watts each.
Cost was $200 usd each.

Good luck with your grow!
which one is the best led grow light is it lighthouse hydro blackstar or photon pro or evader or helio? which one is gunna give me best yield?...