Pics! Can some1 help


Well-Known Member
i was wondering what the yellowing is on the first pic looks light green and r they welted a little from over watering the one plant looks ok i thinklol my ph is down to 5.6 my ppm is 1250 and my ec is 1.7 heat is about 69-72 humitiy is 35 to 45 % sound pretty good? lol any help plz




they look good. the yellowing on the first pic looks like your plant telling you to not go any stronger on the nutes for awhile OR raise the lights a few inches. The minor wilting does look a bit like mild over watering. what is your watering schedule and light situation?


Well-Known Member
i have 4 3ft long 30 watt lights i water them 2 time a day i just brought the ph down and the ppms down today yesterday it was high at 6.5 and the ppms was 1500 now its 1250 oh and the timer fills the up 4 1 min and it goes half wa up the rockwool


Active Member
Those plants look a little young for nutrients. how old are they?

and yeah they look a little over watered in my opinion too. Easy things to take care of though, so good luck!


Well-Known Member
idk blaze abot a month and a half when do u start nutes 1st time here lol im seing bc products


Those plants are plenty big for nutes. Are you giving them 100% of the recommended dosage? But you are watering too much. What's your grow medium and method?


You should add 1/4 strength nutes when they have their second set of real leaves and slightly go up a little bit each week until they tell you to stop.


Well-Known Member
they are in 4in rockwool cubes the nute was 100 but i lowered by addin more water when set the ph and pps today so id say its about 60 to 70 % nutes and i have them clay pepples can't remeber the correct name lol and them are filled to abot have the rockwool i did that cause the 1 that looks the best the roots where starting to come out the bottom


It's called Hydrotron. I'd say keep your nutes at 50-60% for awhile, keep your lights 3 inches away from the top of your plants, and cut back the watering to 1 time a day. If you turn your lights off for a few hours each day, water just before the lights go off. If you're running your lights 24/7 it doesn't matter what time of day. But yeah, they are looking good, don't worry.


Well-Known Member
flush them brother and you should be good. Give them some time to grow up. You can rush growth but there is a fine line. Hear me?


Well-Known Member
Keep your lights 24/7 until you want to flower. You can not stress your plant. It is to young. My opinion. let it grow, you have to bepatient. It is easy to kill or turn hermie or male


Active Member
Well if they are about a month and a half they seem to be a little stunted. If you check out my grow right now you'll see that mine is around a month and a half and is about 5-10 times that size.

Are they clones or seeds?
What is your light setup?

If you have been applying the nutes too heavily i can see how it may have stunted them as it progressed.


why are people so conservative about feeding their plants on here? There are no nutrients in rockwool or hydrotron. There is not enough nutrients in plain water for a plant. A seed/seedling, yes, but after the second set of real leaves it's a plant and needs food.


Well-Known Member
Because people tend to over nute and at the wrong stages brother that;s all. No diss respect to people who are experienced


Yeah but his plants don't look overfed so why would you recommend he back off? I agree that the lights are a bit underpowered. 54w T5 lights would be better. Fluorescents are fine for your entire veg period, but some are better than others. You're going to be using HID for flower right?


Well-Known Member
no, don;t think they are oer fed as well. I was just saying people kill there plants that way. They are still young. Be carefull