Pics - noob needs help!!


Active Member
I was wondering if someone could give me some ideas as to why some of my 11 day old sprouts are curling under like this. It's the first set of real leaves that are drooping or curling as seen in pics. Ph is about 5.5-6.0 I moved the 400 watt MH light up so it is 18" above plant tops last night (was 12" from top of plants). Temps 75-85. Been using plain water, but added flora nova grow this mornig to aprrox 300ppm to see if this may pick them up? The first pic on the left is one that is curling and the plant on the right is one that seems to be doing fine for comparison. Do they look ok or is there a problem with them? Need your help guys, thanks. Oh yeah the strains are NL and B-52



Well-Known Member
They're babies... I'd start with a lower light..I put mine in sun a couple of days , then cfl (or T5's) till they're established, then I put outside (thats my grow system) or MH (yours).. 3 things screw up seedlings.. (1) too much water, (I water every 3-4 days),.. (2) nute burn (I don't nute till 3-4 wk), ... (3) and toasting them... IMO Luck


Active Member
I had them under 4 24" 20 watt T12 flouros, And they streched when they were an inch or two above the plants. So I moved them under 400 watt MH. should I move them back under flouros or raise the 400 watt MH up? Also what type of bulbs are reccomended for the flouros?