pics of both my females=]


Well-Known Member
yes i just have to meny threads and no one responds. i kno i got a shitty camera phone but you could still tell there healthy:mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
its like regular stuff man. outta a bag full of shit lol. like you heard of regulars or greens or just dirt weed right? well not really dirt weed. its just not chronic or kush or hybrid.


Well-Known Member
[BionicChronic];761546 said:
its like regular stuff man. outta a bag full of shit lol. like you heard of regulars or greens or just dirt weed right? well not really dirt weed. its just not chronic or kush or hybrid.
around my area where i live, if you buy of street dealers and say what strain is it there like just normal is that bag seed its usually shit weed but sometimes you can score, now im older i know alot more growers and i am 1 myself :)


Well-Known Member
it wouldn't let me edit it but i was going to say what i mean by shit weed is it is contaminated with sand or fiber glass all sorts even shard of metal or un dried bud :(

humbo jumbo

Well-Known Member
it wouldn't let me edit it but i was going to say what i mean by shit weed is it is contaminated with sand or fiber glass all sorts even shard of metal or un dried bud :(
WOW! Fiber glass in your buds man!!

That would have such a major impact on your lungs!!

Seems like a lot of that could have a pretty bad negative effect on your body. Wouldn't be surprised if you could get some type of infection and die from that.


Well-Known Member
WOW! Fiber glass in your buds man!!

That would have such a major impact on your lungs!!

Seems like a lot of that could have a pretty bad negative effect on your body. Wouldn't be surprised if you could get some type of infection and die from that.
its mad people are just too hungry for money and everyone is selfish, i have close contacts so its cool :)


Well-Known Member
man what are you guys talking about fiber glass yo. i aint stupid in the first place to even look at it and smoke it...wtfff??? and first of all my plants are really good lookin for bagseed.


Well-Known Member
Ahh finally I've found someone else suffering through the pain of waiting a month for their plants to bud under flowering :-P. It's driving me crazy!


Well-Known Member
Ahh finally I've found someone else suffering through the pain of waiting a month for their plants to bud under flowering :-P. It's driving me crazy!
hell ya. i cant wait man. even kno ill only get a few grams off it but still ya kno. its my own shit i grew. im totally stoked. hows your grow goin?:evil::peace::mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
I'm one month and 3 days into the flowering of it. I have 4 plants going, two are bought from a website, one plant is forbidden fruit, the other seeds were given to me for free from the site so I am just naming it mystery weed and then the last plant was some dank ass bud my mom had when I was home for x-mas and I found a bunch of seeds in her stash so its moms weed :D. The forbidden fruit is really flowering well now and hopefully in a week will really show, moms weed is also flowering well and the 2 mystery weed plants are just showing their pistils. I'll try to post it sometime soon but the link is in my signature on cannabis culture forums otherwise. I'll keep checkin back here!


Well-Known Member
I'm one month and 3 days into the flowering of it. I have 4 plants going, two are bought from a website, one plant is forbidden fruit, the other seeds were given to me for free from the site so I am just naming it mystery weed and then the last plant was some dank ass bud my mom had when I was home for x-mas and I found a bunch of seeds in her stash so its moms weed :D. The forbidden fruit is really flowering well now and hopefully in a week will really show, moms weed is also flowering well and the 2 mystery weed plants are just showing their pistils. I'll try to post it sometime soon but the link is in my signature on cannabis culture forums otherwise. I'll keep checkin back here!
damn i would llove to see all of them. sounds great. post some pics up in here. ill post some of my female right now.:blsmoke:


Active Member
id agree going to keep watch keep taking pics id love to see the outcome..fiberglass thats a good one...fuck i hate the shit. i cant touch it without getting fucked up for a few hours my body hates it..being a furnace man...i deal with this crap to much. and i wouldnt advise using it...seems like a problem for your body in the near future but what the fuck do i no.. ur only do it once lol


Well-Known Member
man theres no fiber glass in my plant wtf.
or in any of the bud i smoke.
the bud i smoke is dank as fuck. thats it
if it aint dank i aint smokin it...lmao.
but ya ill put up pics toamorw or monday.


Active Member
I call bag seed anything I get out of some bud scored on the streets.
like here; when the grower allows his/her whatever crop(too many strains out there) to get partially pollinated they sell it for the low because it has seeds in it! even a few and they sell it cheap (we love ses) and thats what I thought bag seed was I was trying to figure it out myself anyway thats how I obtain all my seeds.


Well-Known Member
Hey Bionic,

I don' think they were saying your plants have fiberglass in them, I think they were talking about the contamination endimic going on right now. (Or supposidly, I've never seen it, or know anyone that has). But apparently people are getting fucked by dealers trying to cut weed with toxic shit. Instead of hurting people just cut it with another herb.
Anyway, what you got goin on looks good. Keep it up.