Pics of First CFL Grow, Comments??

These are 3 weeks into veg.

As this is my first grow ever I wanted to keep things simple so I'm not using any nutrients just potting soil, bottled water, 6x23 watt CFLs, and 2 small fans.

Temp is between 80-85F Humidity is about 40%.

It seems like the lowest leaves on the main stem aren't growing very fast and are even pointing down a little bit. Is this cause the top leaves are blocking the light? Any ideas on how much longer I should veg?



Active Member
How many plants are you growing? 6 cfls are not enough for 1 in the flowering stage, let alone what looks like 5!

Good luck and hope it works out. You should really spend 13$ and get 6 26w cfls from walmart. We'll I guess if it's bagseed then about half will be males.


Well-Known Member
You will need to hit those with more lights. And I would say at least another month of veg, really your way to early to be thinking about flowering any of those.