Pics of my first grow

I grew autos, tangie matic from fast buds.
I grew two of them in my closet in 4 gallon pots. I used foxfarm ocean forest soil, I also used the foxfarm nutes grow big, big bloom, and tiger bloom. I harvested day 81 and dried for 7 days. The buds turned out airy and fluffy. The taste is good and it’s a smooth smoke bud the bud didn’t dense up like I expected to. I’m planning on doing my second run in a 3x3 grow tent. Wondering what I could do to get more dense buds. I forgot to mention I used a vivosun 200w light. Any tips or advice is much appreciated. Also I didn’t tip them or train them at all I was afraid I’d kill em as I’m new to growing so I just wanted to get my first harvest under my belt


conor c

Well-Known Member
I grew autos, tangie matic from fast buds.
I grew two of them in my closet in 4 gallon pots. I used foxfarm ocean forest soil, I also used the foxfarm nutes grow big, big bloom, and tiger bloom. I harvested day 81 and dried for 7 days. The buds turned out airy and fluffy. The taste is good and it’s a smooth smoke bud the bud didn’t dense up like I expected to. I’m planning on doing my second run in a 3x3 grow tent. Wondering what I could do to get more dense buds. I forgot to mention I used a vivosun 200w light. Any tips or advice is much appreciated. Also I didn’t tip them or train them at all I was afraid I’d kill em as I’m new to growing so I just wanted to get my first harvest under my belt
Good stuff mate i've seen alot worse first runs I tend to agree a bit more light might help tho mick foster is right assuming everything is in check genetics is the biggest factor in dense buds some things are solid some not so much the less dense stuff tends to be the better stuff for high humidity areas and or for hash or concentrates


Well-Known Member
Not bad man
For dense buds
Light is important
I like to let the plants go deficient last few weeks the leaves fall off
Not everyone's cup of tea here's a pic suppose only new to led so it's drastic
Screenshot_20240821_015852_Samsung Internet.jpgScreenshot_20240807_040048_Gallery.jpg
Inverse square law man every grower needs to know it
Don't worry about the best bud worry about the worst one
Congrats on a successful first grow.
Dense buds are determined by genetics and the amount of light.
Based on your 3rd pic, it looks like you could use more light.
Thanks for the reply. In your opinion should I get a better light or just defoliate? Also I never turned the light intensity higher then 80% thanks for all tips
Good stuff mate i've seen alot worse first runs I tend to agree a bit more light might help tho mick foster is right assuming everything is in check genetics is the biggest factor in dense buds some things are solid some not so much the less dense stuff tends to be the better stuff for high humidity areas and or for hash or concentrates
Thanks for the reply
Not bad man
For dense buds
Light is important
I like to let the plants go deficient last few weeks the leaves fall off
Not everyone's cup of tea here's a pic suppose only new to led so it's drastic
View attachment 5422300View attachment 5422301
Inverse square law man every grower needs to know it
Don't worry about the best bud worry about the worst one
Wow great pics man, and thanks for the input I plan on getting a tent and trying some lst my next run.


Well-Known Member
Echo what the group has said. Generics & light are your two keys. A quick top and some simple lst, you’ll be away to the races on your next run. Great job on the grow :)


Active Member
Many start out with fastbuds. Theyre a good starting point and you'll get decent weed if your tent is dialed in. Ultimately the light is the most expensive part of your grow because it's the most important factor besides genetics. I always get the most powerful light that will fit in my tent and take advantage of the dimmer and height of the tent to dial the light in for each stage of growth. You can always lessen the amount of light, but you can't add more than the light is capable of which means more heat; something you probably don't want. I think 300w is bare minimum for a 3x3. Tackle that before your next run and see if the quality goes up. If it does then start looking to other breeders for more solid genetics.