Pics... plant has always been weak, pls help

this is one of three bag seeds i started in DWC to feel my way through the process. threw other 2 out, decided to keep this one. experimented with ph, nute levels, temp, etc, during first couple weeks but it stayed stronger than other two so i couldn't throw it out. it has always been weak, never super healthy, could have permanently damaged it i wouldn't be suprised, but any ideas how to fix this?

-new growth and center of old leaves look healthy green, maybe even slightly too dark
-outside of leaves thin, pale green, tips browned on very bottom early growth
-leaf size making stem hard to support, outgrowing vertical growth?
-leaves weak/droopy


Well-Known Member
If its been weak its whole life, chances are its in the genes. Id just keep it kicking till youre done with it and make sure you dont propagate it.

jack the beanstalk

Active Member
Nah, I would say it's doing great considering how hard you are punishing the root system. The roots should be fuzzy and white. It's hard to say what to change when we don't know what you do now. What are your res temps, what pumps/nutes/lights/schedule are you using? If I was there in your room I could tell you in three minutes by the temps, ppms/ph, bubbles and air temps/circulation what was wrong. A picture will tell us that the plant is suffering but we don't know why. I would guess that the roots are too hot and the nutrients are too rich for what it can absorb. Furthermore I bet your PH is a mess and you basically have decomposition happening rather than growth in your water. Put your air pump outside your grow room and get clean airstones going.

You chose this plant because it was the best. That tells me that your environment sucks. This one is just more tolerant than the others.

res temps room temp, everything room temp (70-75* F)

nutes floranova grow 560 ppm seedling stage, moved to 860 mild growth phase now

2 - fluor tubes, 40w each
4 - 23w (100w equiv) CFL for side growth
24 hr lights on

bubble stones cleaned weekly

FURTHERMORE my pH stays between 5.5 and 6.5, and my environment isnt a 'mess', the closet is right in front of a window, door only closed when i sleep so it constantly stays fresh, good temp, and circulated. its not a "grow room" thats enclosed or anything, i dont see any reason why id put my pump outside the room, its the same air since the door is usually open, how many people you know build a grow room to put shit on the outside of it anyways...

so now that you know that ive been doing everything pretty much by the books, any advice on how to reverse leave damage from early growth and a safe way to clean these roots, there ARE dead decomposing roots entangled from the other plants i left them in the single tub too long and they got twisted up i know i fucked up on that??