pics wanted


Well-Known Member
5 days is nothing. growernotasmoker , the pics will be a mix of 5 days from seed, 5 days from germ, 5 days from from first set of leaves, etc. All that matters is if they look healthy. No discoloration, no sagging, drooping, leaning, stem rot or anything like that. Keep those temps and humidity in check and you will do just great. Start a journal so I can follow along with you. I took a couple plant propagation classes and biology a few yaers back in college and it has helped me quite a bit here. I currently have 4 plants at 9 wks flow, 4 at 4.5 wk flower, 4 at 45 day veg and 4 at 10 days from germ and they dont look bigger than a dandelion... But they are healthy and green.