Pictures !!! Bud!! How much time left ???/????


Well-Known Member
week 12,its a sativa . keep it going the heads will get much bigger in next few weeks . maybe next time think about growing an indica ,they finish earlier and better for indoor.


Well-Known Member
You've got some salt buildup in those pots which looks to be causing your leaf drop, curl and overall 'crispy' look. Whatever that plant is, it has weeks and weeks left until it's done but you'll never make it there if you don't leach some of those salts.


Active Member
I got some stuff called Super Thrive from my Hydro shop that gets rid of build ups in your plants that should do the trick the stuff is amazing cuz i had the same problem


Well-Known Member
I got some stuff called Super Thrive from my Hydro shop that gets rid of build ups in your plants that should do the trick the stuff is amazing cuz i had the same problem
superthrive is a b vitamin supplement. I don't remember seeing that it flushes growing media.


ouch yes it makes sense !!! this baby been in here since seed !!!!! and she droops every now n then i water her every 3rd day !!
havent seen her trive in a while.... i sometimes put nitrozime in her feeding and it seems like it balances the leafs out !!! what should i b feeding her for this i want full potential out of her !!!.. and i hope it kdoesnt involve a transplant because shes huge !!!!!!! ..
and by the way does she loook like snow white or master kush its one of those fron nirvana


Well-Known Member
ouch yes it makes sense !!! this baby been in here since seed !!!!! and she droops every now n then i water her every 3rd day !!
havent seen her trive in a while.... i sometimes put nitrozime in her feeding and it seems like it balances the leafs out !!! what should i b feeding her for this i want full potential out of her !!!.. and i hope it kdoesnt involve a transplant because shes huge !!!!!!! ..
and by the way does she loook like snow white or master kush its one of those fron nirvana
If that were my plant, I would flush with maybe 2 gallons of water and some clearex. Hopefully your soil has good drainage properties. At your next watering, give her a mild nute mix, maybe 1/4 strength and hopefully this will be a way to start fresh. Salts build up in our mediums and it's a good idea to leach them every few weeks in order for the roots to have the capacity to use what you're feeding it. Salt buildups are also a sign that you are either feeding too much or not watering with enough water. Generally, you want 10% run off from your pot which insures that the salts you're feeding aren't just getting stuck in the soil but making their way through and possibly rinsing older salts.


ok yes im pretty sure im giving enough water i feed 1 every 3 day and make sure i see runoff .. i give her 1 gallon eveyr feeding..... ok she gets fed tomorrow so i will do exactly this i will make sure water ph is 6.5 and ill mix in some molasses should i put any flowering nute or thrive nute... when fed i usually give tiger bloom 1.4 and beastie bloom 1.4 the gallon every other watering . last 2 feeding been giving her str8 ph water with molasssess .. and clearex ????? and soil is fox farm


Well-Known Member
Run some plain water with clearex through your pot. Maybe flush with an equal volume (2 gallon pot, flush with 2 gallons water). In 5 days or so your plant will maybe need watered at which point I'd feed 1/4 strength of an NPK fertilizer. Forget the molasses, forget the superthrive. Moving forward, go easy on the nutes (feed, water, water, repeat) and I wouldn't use molasses or superthrive for the rest of the plant's life.


ok shes in about a 5 gallon pot if not bigger.. and i usually feed every other watering. on 3rd day... ok so i will runn about 3 gallons threw her and wait untill she needs feeding again when soil dry which b in 5 days then mix 1.4 feedding nutes correct