Pinching Lines to Stop Flow


Well-Known Member
Hey guys! Thanks for reading.
setting up a new coco DTW setup using floraflex parts (forthe most part) and I cannot find caps for the floraflex lining (3/16” ID). Would kinking the line back onto itself and zip tying it keep the flow stopped? There’s 8 ports on the manifold but I only need to use 6 right now.

any advice is appreciated on this or DTW in general, this is my first run this way.
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will a clothes peg on the line be strong enough to reduce the flow??
Im sure it would reduce it, but I’m looking to fully stop flow to two of my 8 lines. I’m just worried if I fold the line back on itself and zip tie it, when I turn the pump on it’ll be too much pressure and knock the line off the manifold.
Remove 1 of the extra/unused lines and where it was removed put the open end of the 2nd unused line so it just loops out and then back in....hope that made
Large office black metal paper clips should work. If not, try dollar store spring clamps. Be aware of sharp edges or excessive creasing. Will result in damage. Easy hurdle. Enjoy the adventure. And most aquarium fittings are compatible with 3/16 for cheap. LOL.