Pineapple Chunks not growing as predicted

Everything I read said that the Pineapple chunks from Barneys Farms should grow like sativas. Mine have been vegetating for 8-9 weeks and still are less than 3 feet tall and look totally like indicas and aren't behaving like sativas at all. In fact, my kush, which is behind my chunks by a couple of weeks, are now as tall as my chunks. What's the deal with my chunks, are they going to be indica acting into blooming? I just put them into blooming yesterday.

Also, they seem to need either water or feeding every day. Is this because I have them in air pots? I was trying to water and feed every other day, but they get too dried out and begin to wilt. Is this normal? Will I end up overfeeding this way? I am using Fox Farms Nutrient Schedule with water one day and nutrients the next.
